Peer Reviewed Science Reviews
Science reviews of Biosea Health are based on peer reviewed research from around the global science community. Where publications show interactions between eating seaweed, nutrition and health outcomes we are very interested! Click here for human health blogs, here for plant health, and here for pet blogs.
Menstrual disorders are highly prevalent with headline rates claiming over 95% of women experience menstrual problems at some time during their reproductive lives. The implications of such large numbers translate to enormous economic cost, with lost work and educational opportunities for women. This reports on a pilot study from 2020.
Seaweed stops cows burbing methane, now recognised as a major contributor to the emissions of green house gases. Read more to see who is working in this space.
The ocean is full of life. Seaweed grows in many areas but our Pacific Seamoss is grown in areas we know are clean and not subject to urban or agricultural runoff where heavy metals and microplastics may accumulate.
Guilt free cake! Seaweed is eaten in soups, salads and extracts are used in a wide variety of food. This recipe from a pioneer in seaweed is a carrot cake with seaweed as base. Very tasty, good healthy cake and the seaweed probably mitigates the sugar in the recipe!
I sleep better with seaweed is a common theme in testimonials and it got us thinking that this is not placebo. We know eating seaweed improves microbiome, and reduces pain for dysmenorrhea and for joints. Read more
A recent study shows that men who ate more seaweed had lower levels of serum uric acid, the major chemical that predicts the severity of gout. Gout is a painful arthritic symptoms and often associated with higher BMI smoking and alcohol consumption
Seaweed has shown efficacy against cold and rhino nasal viruses. Seaweed in a nasal spray form has been registered in multi countries to reduce the effect of colds and rhinoviruses. By protecting the nasal surfaces, it stops the incidence of colds and rhino viruses. Work on coronaviruses show that it is also effective to reduce infection levels.
A healthy heart reduces the probability of dementia in a Finland cohort study. Is part of the benefit of consuming seaweed and reduced dementia due to healthier heart? Whats to loose – eat seaweed for healthy heart and reduced dementia.
Does Seaweed Reduce arthritis? Extracts from seaweed have been studied since early 2000’s and by mid 2015 showed no better reduction than placebo. However, customers say Pacific Seamoss whole seaweed provides excellent reduction in symptoms and even stop taking normal drugs. Here are some FAQ to consider.
Natural remedies have been demonstrated to reduce joint pain from rheumatoid arthritis or osteo-arthritis. They are widely available. Some have better evidence of effectiveness than others. Pacific Seamoss seaweed is a natural medicine providing excellent joint pain reduction and improvement in mobility.
Can seaweed reduce Parkinson’s Disease effects? Research is trying to find a cure for PD, and great advances but often other effects from Parkinson’s Disease make life unpleasant. Seaweed has shown to have promise, and customer reports say lifestyle has improved immensely.
Seaweed reduces back pain says the headline for many analgesics. But the consumer advocacy groups say that taking conventional analgesics are not recommended for long term use. Customers of Pacific Seamoss have come back with testimonials their back pain has reduced. When someone has pain for 15 years and pain goes within 3 weeks. What is the evidence for food to reduce back pain? A surprising amount of animal studies and limited human studies.
One of the complications from the hyperthyroid disease called Graves’ disease is that a typical symptom is painful periods or dysmenorrhea. Seaweed may reduce painful periods, but the iodine in seaweed presents a problem. Seaweed may reduce overall impact of the autoimmune disease, but may introduce too much iodine.
Some say seaweed improves fertility? Some are concerned that the estrogen receptors in seaweed may act against improved fertility? Should one consume seaweed if you are planning a family or pregnant? The short answer is there appears to be no reason not to eat seaweed as part of a balanced diet. Good food. Good health.
Seaweed seafood allergies are a concern, and we advise customers who have confirmed allergies to seafood not to eat seaweed, Pacific SeaMoss or from any source. The reason is that the ocean is full of life, and in the harvest and processing we cannot ensure there is no “hitchhikers” who turn out to make you sick. Explore the community of sea life.
Seaweed has a a range of vitamins, but the different amounts have not been studied much over the past. Brown seaweeds have a different vitamin range than red seaweeds. Kappaphycus alvarezii is high in vitamin A and some of the B vitamins but low in Vitamin D, E and K.
Nutrient analysis of seaweed – Pacific Seamoss demonstrates that seaweed is packed full of goodness. Trace elements including iodine, selenium, zinc and iron and surprisingly elements such as sulfur. Investigate why seaweed is so full of nutrients.
Perimenopause is those 2 to 6 years (or longer) as women transition from reproductive years to menopause. As the type of oestrogen changes, symptoms of hot flushes, night sweats can make this time uncomfortable. Does seaweed help? It helps general health. Some customers say it helps with mood swings and other symptoms.
Talking about period bleeding has been banned by Facebook, yet periods and bleeding are experienced by 2.1 billion women globally. A pilot trial of 150 participants showed that seaweed reduced the level and the duration of bleeding. But will the media allow the information to be widely dissemininated?
That seaweed reduces fatty liver is beyond question in animal studies. Our customers are reporting that hangovers from drinking too much alcohol have gone. Is seaweed the ultimate protection after an unhealthy drinking session? Can seaweed protect against liver damage from alcohol consumption?
Period pain and menstruation are often taboo topics, and in lower socio-economic areas students miss school through pain, embarrassment, or lack of feminine hygiene products. Can seaweed help to reduce period poverty?
Can seaweed assist fibromyalgia? Some customers who have fibromyalgia and other nervous systems have said seaweed has reduced the symptoms of fibromyalgia, but the affect has not been seen in the published information. But seaweed will make you feel better and more alive, and that will negate one of the symptoms of fibro.
Thank you for joining up to our painful period trial. We will be in touch with you and be arranging to send seaweed to you shortly
If horrible periods are interfering with your everyday life, we’ve got some good news! Since 2005 seaweed is known to reduce period pain. Join our trial now.
Try for youself. 3 months of free seaweed, in exchange for some information on how effective is seaweed in reducing period pain. Join over 90 participants globally. LImited to 200 trial participants
They always say experiment on yourself first. 15 years back pain. Seaweed stopped it. Perhaps I should have self experimented more.
Ever experienced that time when you know the word, but it just doesn’t come? Seaweed has stopped that.
Taken all the normal laxitives. But a week on seaweed and my guts have returned to normal
The surgeon said I needed a meniscus scrape. After a few weeks on seaweed, I could run 5 km again
Stronger and less prone to breaking. Grow faster. my knees have really improved as well. Makes life easier
Aches and pains gone. After 5 years of putting up with it, Pacific Sea Moss fixed it in 3 weeks.
8 kg loss with Seaweed – does it work. Works for me. Weight down 3kg in 4 months, Waist reduced by 4cm
When I first had the knee pain go, I thought it a placebo. But after a month, and doing a fun run with my kids I know it has seriously improved
My creaking aching knees gone. They just disappeared after 3 weeks on seaweed. How odd!
Positive change in my stomach and how I feel.
Chris is one triple dose of blood medications. Seaweed has dropped it to normal. Time to check out if he can stop some of the nasties.
I have energy to burn says Tony Nash. I was very suspicious. After 3 months. It works
Beth’s nails became strong and less brittle within a month. A real surprise and a really good surprise.
Keith was on blood pressure tablets. With Pacific SeaMoss it was the best it had been for years
Katie has suffered from severe period cramps for five years. Took seaweed. Pain gone from a 9 to a 1. She has suffered such unbearable pain over the years had failed some exams. Find out what happened next.
Improve your poo in the times of toilet paper shortages. Make your #2s into #4s for comfort and health. Seaweed improves bowel motion
Customers tell us their hair grows faster. So drop the artificial compounds, look at 2011 evidence and decide for yourself
Seaweed helped Anais with her broken nails. After two weeks she noticed a big improvement. Too easy by far. Just eat Pacific Sea Moss. Natural. Organic. Full of vitamins and minerals
Why are customers saying their nails are growing stronger, harder and faster. What is in seaweed?
Katie ate seaweed for 1 month and her period pain score dropped from 9 to a 1. Second month, gone
Eating seaweed – 60 years of published data showing immunity or antiviral properties of seaweed.
Make your own delicious Healthy Treat. Here is a chocolate recipe for seaweed. Your own Paleo / Coconut recipes. Easy. Healthy.
Seaweed is packed with zinc & prebiotics to boost your immunity naturally and quickly. Research is clear, you can boost immunity. Start today
Boost immunity Time for seaweed. Reduce blood pressure. Decrease pre-diabetes. Prepare your home for staying in
Blood pressure down 15mmHg. Was Dr Hugh Butler’s personal experience a one off? Science says this is expected from human and animal experiments.
A Healthy Heart is so important. The heart is at the core of the arteries, veins and capillaries threaded through the body and delivers oxygen to every cell in the body.
Share the love and give seaweed on Valentines day or any day when you think of your loved one.
Tired? Panda eyes? Increasing waist? Increasing blood pressure? Aching joints? Painful periods? Fading memory? Over 50. Any of these, and you need to consider seaweed with its proven benefits to help you through.
Extra energy, less pain in joints, changing brain chemistry are just some ways that seaweed helps exercise and breaks down barriers to exercise.
Liver cleansed, thyroid improved, feel better, feel like exercising, brain function improved. Just some of the 5 reasons people say about seaweed
Prebiotics, including seaweed, and probiotics (yoghurt) prevent lung cancer. How can this be true? Check out this 2019 study that they have a role in the prevention of lung cancer
Kim Kardashian sprinkles seamoss in her morning smoothie. Need to keep up – eat seaweed for health, nails, hair and beauty. Fans from around the world have flooded search engines and online retailers in a frenzied attempt to learn more about seamoss.
Six improvements include more energy, feeling of wellness, reduced pain, blood pressure
Seaweed has nutrients and functional properties in the food itself. They have benefits without any nasty side effects. But just like medicines, they work best when consumed often enough that the active molecules stay at the optimum level in your body.
Seaweed has been known for millennia to have anti-cancer properties. The Egyptians used seaweed to treat breast cancer as early as 2640 BC, while both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese Folk medicine use seaweed to treat tumors.
USQ scientists show seaweed can break the obesity cycle.Toowoomba takes out the unenviable title of the fattest city in Queensland according to researchers at the Mitchell Institute.
Too good to be true? When rats ate a small amount of seaweed on a junk food diet; no metabolic syndrome. It was if they were eating normal food. Seaweed negated a junk food diet. Professor Brown was astonished.
Seaweed changes the gut microbiome, and with more than 150 time total genome of microbiota than the human body. Mounting evidence suggested that gut microbiota plays an important role in the development of disease in the brain.
A new drug from seaweed is the first for 18 years. Clinical trials show effectiveness in treating mild to moderate forms of the disease, and it may even improve cognitive function.
Consumer experience is backed by science. Seaweed improves health. Sometimes unexpectedly
Seaweed improves memory and reduces amyloid plaque load in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model. Global research shows novel and promising alzheimer disease reduction and the mechanisms of the improvement.
A seaweed mix stopped Dr. Jan Villadsen’s spondylarthritis / Psoriatic arthritis in 17 days. For the first time in 5 years, his C-Reactive Protein levels went to zero. Symptoms went.
The ultimate sea vegetable is Pacific Seamoss, full of vitamins and minerals, and is a pre-biotic in a convenient form. Take Pacific Seamoss capsules daily for your serve of sea vegetables
Some information says carrageenan has health concerns, but there is no research of concern. Both EU and USA say the health benefits are clear with good anti-inflammatory properties.
Growing and processing seaweed for biofuel, for food, for pharmaceutical products and for biostimulants will expand the market for seaweed.
Stop clearing rainforest for production of food for animals. Grow seaweed for food or carbon capture, a biofuel or feed to reduce land clearing around the world.
Convenient seaweed snacks may not be that healthy. Pacific Seamoss is pure organic seaweed
The many uses for seaweed include food, thickener and agars, animal feed, human and plant nutrition. Japan, China and Korea have long eaten seaweed as an important source of nutrition.
Seaweed is fantastic for the environment. Does not need fresh water or fertilizer. Captures carbon. Provides food, fuel, biostimulants and nutraceuticals. Huge areas of ocean available.
Motor neurone has no cure. Seaweed has been shown to have protective anti-oxidant benefits for nerves and dementia and while not studied in humans is a promising area of study.
Blood pressure measures the pressure applied on the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood around the body. Because there are two phases of the heart pumping, there are two measures of blood pressure.
Seaweed is anti-inflammatory with research confirming natural arthritis pain relief. Review the past science
Seaweed reduces blood pressure, improves gut microbiome, full of essential nutrients, amino acids, lipids, and over 1,000 biologically active compounds. Research globally is chasing some of the compounds.
Weight loss, whether calculated via numbers on a scale or the measurement of one’s waist, is a continual battle. Maintaining a certain weight requires balancing caloric intake (energy consumed) with the amount of energy expended
Brown seaweed has natural cancer fighting fucoxanthin. Red seaweed also has number of cancer reducing compounds
Seaweed reduces degeneration of cartilage through potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflamatory and anti-immunogenic actions. Arthritis is one of the most common causes of pain and disability in our aging population and current treatments only address the symptoms of joint disease.
Breast cancer rates in UK are 10 times those of Japan. USA has 4 times rate of mortality than Japan. Why? Diets, and eating seaweed is just one of differences implicated. This wide difference has intrigued researchers and other studies have followed from this remarkable difference.
Seaweed, or “sea vegetables”, are a type of sea algae that can be found growing along shorelines around the world. Generally, seaweed can be classified by color – red, green and brown.