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Improve your Poo in the Times of Toilet Paper Shortage

Improve your poo in the times of toilet paper shortages. Make your #2s into #4s for comfort and health. Seaweed improves bowel motion

There is a great deal of satisfaction in a nice clean poo. Remember the one that is well formed, not too hard, not too soft. The one that just slips out so cleanly that a small two squares of toilet paper will do the clean up nicely. Ahh, that feels good.

This is something very important to consider in this time of toilet paper shortage. The messy poo brigade is forced to hoard roll after roll of toilet paper in fear of never getting a clean wipe resulting in the dreaded skid mark on the undies

Improve your poo with the Bristol Stool Chart

What constitutes a good poo?

Thankyou for the Bristol Stool Chart for giving us way more poo information than we though we would ever need.That beautiful clean, low TP poo is a Type 4, maybe a Type 3. Most of us sit either side of these numbers. And all of us have experienced a “Why did I eat that food court curry?” Type 7 or the “Get me a jack-hammer” Type 1.

Improve your poo – How?

How do I get from the messy clean-up poo to the easy-clean Type 4 poo in this time of TP crisis?

Seaweed is the answer. Our customers have a lot of poo stories to tell us.

Yes, we were surprised about this too.

“My stools are firm and of a good colour – I ain’t pooed like this since I was 12”

Some report suddenly being “regular as clockwork”
Others tell us their ongoing mild diarrhea has cleared up. Some say the same about their ongoing constipation.

Even the dogs on seaweed are having their say. Check out Chris’s little dog Millie

Let’s not smear this lighthearted post with too much science. Let’s not mention the abundance of both soluble and insoluble fibre in the seaweed. Nor, shall we extol the wonders of improving bowel function with healthy gut bacteria. And we won’t even go near the toning of smooth intestinal muscle because of the increased Potassium.

Improve your poo. Baking a chocolate cake with bristol score

Let’s just sit (not too long) with the image of your next short, clean visit to the porcelain altar. Clean, low maintenance and most importantly, toilet paper friendly.