
Creaking Aching Knees Gone

My creaking aching knees gone. They just disappeared after 3 weeks on seaweed. How odd!

Creaking aching knees gone! I did not actually believe it. I was pushed into taking seaweed. “Just for a month”, Hugh said. “No result. No pay. What do you have to lose?”

I’m a printer with a printing and marketing business called 4CP, and I often have to squat down to pick up a box of paper or similar stored under the bench. The printer tray is right down at the bottom of the machine. Over the years, my knees start to complain and I have to hang onto the benches to get back up again.

After 3 or 4 weeks I realised I had squatted down, picked up a box and had no pain. Thinking about it more, I realised I been doing that movement for a week and hadn’t even noticed pain. That’s what pain is like – you get so used to it it takes a while when it disappears. No holding onto the table to haul myself back up. Remarkable!

I know take the seaweed regularly and found that the aches and pains have improved even more over time. It has taken a while to retrain my mind.

The only thing I don’t like is having to cut my toenails regularly. Guess that comes with the product and as a male less body maintenance is a plus.

I have taken tumeric and other natural products over previous years, so was not expecting a huge change, but seaweed fixed my creaking and aching knees and was certainly a lot more effect than I normally have.

Wayne Knetter4CP Palmwoods, QLD