There is a great deal of satisfaction in a nice clean poo. Remember the one that is well formed, not too hard, not too soft. The one that just slips out so cleanly that a small two squares of toilet paper will do the clean up nicely. Ahh, that feels good.
This is something very important to consider in this time of toilet paper shortage. The messy poo brigade is forced to hoard roll after roll of toilet paper in fear of never getting a clean wipe resulting in the dreaded skid mark on the undies
What constitutes a good poo?
Thankyou for the Bristol Stool Chart for giving us way more poo information than we though we would ever need.That beautiful clean, low TP poo is a Type 4, maybe a Type 3. Most of us sit either side of these numbers. And all of us have experienced a “Why did I eat that food court curry?” Type 7 or the “Get me a jack-hammer” Type 1.
Improve your poo – How?
How do I get from the messy clean-up poo to the easy-clean Type 4 poo in this time of TP crisis?
Seaweed is the answer. Our customers have a lot of poo stories to tell us.
Yes, we were surprised about this too.
“My stools are firm and of a good colour – I ain’t pooed like this since I was 12”
Some report suddenly being “regular as clockwork”
Others tell us their ongoing mild diarrhea has cleared up. Some say the same about their ongoing constipation.
Even the dogs on seaweed are having their say. Check out Chris’s little dog Millie
Let’s not smear this lighthearted post with too much science. Let’s not mention the abundance of both soluble and insoluble fibre in the seaweed. Nor, shall we extol the wonders of improving bowel function with healthy gut bacteria. And we won’t even go near the toning of smooth intestinal muscle because of the increased Potassium.
Let’s just sit (not too long) with the image of your next short, clean visit to the porcelain altar. Clean, low maintenance and most importantly, toilet paper friendly.
Ever wondered how insta influencers get luscious, long hair without extensions? Why is it that their hair grows faster?
So do we. Most of us have to spend hundreds on expensive products only to find ourselves with brittle hair and split ends from all the over styling we’ve been doing. Does this sound a lot like your daily struggle?
Our Customers Report Hair Grows Faster
Well, we’ve got some great news for you. the science buffs at Biosea Health have stumbled upon some amazing science that may hold the answers. Their customers, taking seaweed for blood pressure problems, started reporting hair was growing quickly and trips to the barber or hairdresser were becoming more frequent.
Turns out that seaweed could be the solution to our dry, damaged-hair problems. Studies have shown that the right amount of seaweed can increase hair growth by nearly four times. Yes, you read that correctly, four times faster than the normal rate of hair growth.
Hair Grew 4 times faster in Experiments
In a study back in 2011, Muhammad et al found within 15 days, those that ate seaweed with recently cut hair had a regrowth rate of 95-100% and those that did not eat seaweed had a regrowth rate of 25-30%. Basically, with a high seaweed diet, we can see our hair transforming from lush to lusher.
Want to see the results but don’t fancy a munching on a big bowl of seaweed everyday? Not a problem. Biosea Health have dried whole seaweed and put it into capsules or granules so you can get the right amount of seaweed without having to chow down on sea-greens by the bucket load
So, ditch the hair-growth gummies and test out a more effective, vegan alternative to long, lively hair.
(a) Ethanolic extract of seaweed, (b) aquaeous extract of seaweed (c) honey, (d) water. From Fard et al [1]
Why did hair grow faster?
The authors found the extraction fraction from seaweed also possessed several antioxidant compounds which may be responsible for the accelerated hair growth and wound healing. Hair is considered to be a major component of an individual’s general appearance. Demand for medications that alter hair growth and appearance has led to a multibillion-dollar industry and thus far few natural effective products are available.
Customers eating Pacific Seamoss have provided us with glowing testimonials that their hair growth is better.
[1] Muhammad, K. and S. Mohamed (2011). “Ethanolic extract of Eucheuma cottonii promotes in vivo hair growth and wound healing.” J. Anim. Vet. Adv 10: 601-605. (MedWell)
Seaweed – not just good food, Food for Health. Try it. See if your hair grows faster!
Surprise, surprise! We’ve found yet another incredible health benefit from seaweed. Turns out seaweed is not just great for your nails, hair and overall health, it’s actually works to heal wounds faster.
Our Biosea science team has stumbled across some research in wound healing that will knock your socks off.
In a 2011 study, seaweed was given to wounded rats to assess its effects on the healing process. Those that were fed the seaweed had 100% wound healing over 15 days. Those that were not fed the seaweed supplement only had a 50% healing rate (Muhammad and Mohamed 2011). Basically, those that supplement their diet with seaweed should see their wounds heal 50% quicker than those that don’t eat their sea-greens.
From Mohamed 2011 – hair and wound healing in mice with seaweed [1]
The Real World
Most of us deal with burns, scratches or wounds with a band-aid and some curse words.
But imagine if the healing process really was faster? For young people, regular intake of seaweed could help with ulcers, cold sores or the occasional skateboarding injury. Maybe we’d live a little bit more on the edge (in a good way, of course). But what about that angry red zit you’ve had to pop? Imagine if it healed quickly enough to not scar, or ruin Friday date night? Perhaps seaweed could be the answer to quick-healing blemishes. In our pilot trial for dysmenorrhea, 60% of the participants said their skin healing was faster.
Customers Report Wounds Heal Faster
Over a dozen customers of Pacific Seamoss report they have gone into surgery for skin operations, such as Basal Cell Carcinoma removal, Arthroscopic surgery, knee surgery and when they return to get the stitches out, the surgeon or nurse are surprised wounds haved healed much faster than expected. These are anecdotal studies. But when a surgeon who has done thousands of operations comments on speed of recovery, its time to pursue some more.
Heal Wounds Faster if You are Older
For someone over 70, a significant wound can perpetuate into something much worse. A wound or ulcer could be the difference between vitality and immobility; even seeing the grandkids or doing the things that bring them joy. We all know that grandma would probably not be keen to eat 10 rolls of sushi a day, but a couple of capsules from Biosea health could make a massive difference to her life. For the youngins, we may not be incapacitated from a minor injury but next time we take a tumble, we’ll be grateful that we had our daily dose of sea-greens to see us through.
So, try seaweed out for yourself and see if it makes a difference. But most importantly, make sure you get grandma onto it (and maybe even mum and dad). They’ll thank you later.
The cycle of wound healing with 4 distinct phases. Diagram from [2]
[1] Samaneh Ghasemi Fard, Fatemeh Tash Shamsabadi, Mozhdeh Emadi, Goh Yong Meng, Kharidah Muhammad and Suhaila Mohamed (2011). “Ethanolic extract of Eucheuma cottonii promotes in vivo hair growth and wound healing.” J. Anim. Vet. Adv 10: 601-605. (MedWell) DOI10.3923/javaa.2011.601.605
[2] Panayi A.C., Reitblat C., Orgill D.P. (2020) Wound Healing and Scarring. In: Ogawa R. (eds) Total Scar Management. Springer, Singapore (DOI)
Seaweed – not just good food, Food for Health and Heal wounds faster!
Boost immunity fast with seaweed is the first line of defence and it needs to be strong. In the human body, the first line of defence against novel viruses is only one special cell in the army of immune defences. And Seaweed is known for building that special army – even in the elderly.
We are hearing a lot about viruses and words like “antibodies”, “vaccines” and “immunity” are now part of our everyday language.
But when it comes to fighting a virus that we have never encountered before, the only words we need to know are “Natural Killer Cells”.
Natural Killer Cells
Natural Killer Cells sound more like science fiction than science, but these cells are the secret weapon in the body’s fight against new viruses. Viruses are like the hidden spy that infiltrates the government and carries out his evil mission. In the human body, viruses invade our cells where they hide from our other immune defenses and use our own genetic material to replicate themselves.
Natural Killer Cells roam around the body detecting cells that are showing stress from a virus invasion. They quickly kill off the virus loaded cell and prevent it from infecting surrounding cells.
How do we get more Natural Killer Cells? Seaweed.
Antibodies Increase with Seaweed
Fucoidan from seaweed increases vaccination protection for seasonal flu in elderly patients. [1]
Boost Immunity Fast With Seaweed with Zinc
Relations among percentages of CD56+lym-phocytes and serum zinc concentrations in healthy, free-living men and women aged ≥90 y [2]
Key to Natural Killers
Like all armies, the Natural Killer Cell army increases its numbers when there is an invasion. When the patrolling Natural Killer Cells detect the virus, they not only kill that cell, they also send a message back to the bone marrow headquarters for more Natural Killers to be built.
Speed up Production of Natural Killer Cells
Sadly, natural killer cells are known to decline with age. However, one study on the elderly in Japan showed that adding seaweed to the diet increased Natural Killer Cells and made the Natural Killer stick around in the body for much longer. (Negishi, Mori et al. 2013) In the fight against novel viruses, the more Natural Killers we have, the better our bodies will cope at keeping the virus at bay. Seaweed Contains all the Nutrients Needed for More Natural Killer Cells.
Importance of Nutrients
All the nutrients, especially zinc needs to be available for the manufacture of Natural Killers. In a study of elderly in Italy, scientists looked at levels of vitamins and minerals in the blood and the amount of Natural Killer Cells. Those with higher levels of zinc also had more Natural Killers. This in line with what we already know about zinc being effective in stopping virus infections. (Ravaglia, Forti et al. 2000). Seaweed has 7 times the zinc as oranges as well as being packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to build other parts of the immune system.
So build your first line of defense quickly. Use seaweed capsules or chocolate to increase your Natural Killer Cells before a new virus tries to invade.
[1] Negishi, H., M. Mori, H. Mori and Y. Yamori (2013). “Supplementation of elderly Japanese men and women with fucoidan from seaweed increases immune responses to seasonal influenza vaccination.” The Journal of nutrition 143(11): 1794-1798. (Pubmed)
[2] Ravaglia, G., P. Forti, F. Maioli, L. Bastagli, A. Facchini, E. Mariani, L. Savarino, S. Sassi, D. Cucinotta and G. Lenaz (2000). “Effect of micronutrient status on natural killer cell immune function in healthy free-living subjects aged≥ 90 y.” The American journal of clinical nutrition 71(2): 590-598. (PubMed)
Seaweed – the smart organic medicinal food for boosting your immunity. It is time to start thinking about our personal health. Is your immune system as strong as it will need to be if faced with a virus? Now is the time to boost your immunity naturally.
Busy lives mean we don’t eat as many fresh fruit and vegetables as we should.
Seaweed is high in all immune-boosting nutrients and is a natural way yo boost your immune system quickly.
Medical experts are telling us the best way to boost immunity is to have a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and pulses. But the truth is most of us don’t get anywhere near enough fresh produce to boost immunity.
Now that we are all looking to be as healthy as we can to fight off viruses, we need an affordable, natural and easy short cut to boost our immunity naturally
Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and zinc. [1, 2]
With 7 times the zinc of oranges, seaweed is a powerful antiviral agent. [3]When you have seaweed in the diet, levels of vitamins and minerals reach cells in the body no matter what other poor diet choices you make.
Yes, seaweed can reverse the effects of eating a western take-out diet, so you can boost your immunity naturally without making big lifestyle changes. [4]
Zinc stops viruses from attaching to cells and causing infection. The graph on the right shows that zinc stopped 75% of common coronavirus from infecting cells
We no longer have to plow through plates of Kale to get the nutrients we need to boost our immunity naturally.
Biosea Health has taken whole dried seaweed and put into capsules so you can easily take immune-boosting amounts of seaweed every day without the hassle. Take it like a supplement to boost immunity
But for those who prefer to indulge a little. BioSea Health has also put seaweed into good quality chocolate so you can eat guilt-free and get a natural boost to your immunity.
BioSea Health has created the ultimate guilt-free immune boosting way to get your daily seaweed. Seaweed Chocolate – and it tastes great.
Include seaweed in chocolate for a guilt free treat.
What better way to get your medicinal level of seaweed than in 5 squares of luxurious chocolate. And not only are you increasing your immunity with seaweed, but you are also getting those extra anti-oxidants that good quality chocolate provides.
For those who have favourite chocolate, BioSea Health provides a dried powder product and a recipe so you can turn your favorite chocolate into an immune-boosting health food.
References – Boost Your Immunity
[1] E. M. Brown et al., “Seaweed and human health,” Nutrition reviews, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 205-216, 2014.
[2] A. Farah Diyana, A. Abdullah, Z. Shahrul Hisham, and K. Chan, “Antioxidant activity of red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii and Kappaphycus striatum,” International Food Research Journal, vol. 22, no. 5, 2015. (Google Scholar)
[3] A. J. Te Velthuis, S. H. van den Worm, A. C. Sims, R. S. Baric, E. J. Snijder, and M. J. van Hemert, Zn2+ inhibits virus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture, PLoS pathogens, vol. 6, no. 11, 2010. (PubMed)
[4] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017. (Nutrition)
Fight viruses naturally with seaweed, as the latest pandemic spread across the entire world. There has never been a better time to boost your immune system. You can fight viruses with seaweed because seaweed is packed with phytonutrients and prebiotics that boost your immunity quickly. But Seaweed is also a powerful tool against the big guns of the virus world such as SARS and HIV/AIDS.
Not convinced?
Here are some of the reasons why seaweed should be your first choice in building your immune health before a virus hits your neighbourhood!
Fight Viruses Naturally
Back in 2004, it was noticed there were higher rates of HIV/AIDS infection in Africa than in South East Asia. Rates in Asia were one-tenth of those in Africa so there must have been something other than sexual contact that was causing the difference. When scientists noticed lower HIV/AIDS rates in pockets of Africa where spirulina was eaten, they decided it was marine algae or seaweed that made the difference. [1]
In 2006, New Scientist[8] reported that a seaweed compound blocks cervical cancer known to be caused by the human papillomavirus [9]. Lead researcher Schiller (USA Bethesda Cancer Institute) said “we were floored by how much better it worked than anything else we tested”. Same mode of action – stopped the virus getting into the cells. But someone needed to take the product through the approval process. And no one did. A popular vaccine came out at the same time, so further research was shelved.
Research in 2008 [6] showed human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are a predominant cause of common cold and implicated in the worsening of COPD and asthma, as well as the loss of lung transplants. Despite significant efforts, no anti-viral agent is approved for the prevention or treatment of HRV-infection. They suggested spraying the nasal passages with carregeenan. But no one has developed such a product.
We now know it is the sulfated polysaccharides in the cell walls of the seaweed that stop the viruses in their tracks. The seaweed stops the virus from entering cells, so it cant hijack our immune system and make us ill. [2]
Carrageenan inhibited cold viruses in cell culture. (See reference [6])
Red seaweed carrageenan reduces cold virus [6]
Fight Viruses Naturally with Seaweed and High Zinc Levels
Seaweed has 7 times more zinc than oranges. Zinc is involved in all cellular processes, but it is especially important to immunity.
Increased zinc prevents viruses from binding to RNA in cells, so the virus cannot multiply and increase infection in its host. Studies in SARS virus have shown that zinc causes a 3-4 fold reduction in the percentage of the virus binding to RNA. [3]. It is entirely probable that the same mechanism holds for the most recent virus.
Check out our label for the minerals and vitamins in Pacific Seamoss or Kappaphycus alvarezii. This demonstrates that you can fight viruses with seaweed
Seaweed is high in antioxidants
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are broken molecules also called free radicals. They appear in cells during infections to kill the invaders but also do damage to the host cell.
Antioxidants in seaweed show excellent scavenging ability. [4]
Antioxidants roam the cells scavenging excess ROS and prevent damage to the underlying cells and tissues.
This is especially important when the infection is in the lungs as is the case with the latest virus. [5] This shows you can fight viruses with seaweed.
Look in graph B to a 25% reduction. Reference Snelgrove 2006 [5]
For more than 16 years, science has shown you can fight viruses with seaweed. The current SARs like virus is almost at the pandemic stage globally.
What do you have to lose?
[1] J. Teas, J. R. Hebert, J. H. Fitton, and P. V. Zimba, “Algae–a poor man’s HAART?,” Medical Hypotheses, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 507-510, 2004. (Science Direct)
[2] E. M. Brown et al., “Seaweed and human health,” Nutrition reviews, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 205-216, 2014.
[3] A. J. Te Velthuis, S. H. van den Worm, A. C. Sims, R. S. Baric, E. J. Snijder, and M. J. van Hemert, “Zn2+ inhibits virus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture,” PLoS pathogens, vol. 6, no. 11, 2010. (PLOS)
[4] K. S. Kumar, K. Ganesan, and P. S. Rao, “Antioxidant potential of solvent extracts of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty–An edible seaweed,” Food chemistry, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 289-295, 2008.(Link Here)
[5] R. J. Snelgrove, L. Edwards, A. J. Rae, and T. Hussell, “An absence of reactive oxygen species improves the resolution of lung influenza infection,” European journal of immunology, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1364-1373, 2006. (PLOS)
[6] Grassauer A, Weinmuellner R, Meier C, Pretsch A, Prieschl-Grassauer E, Unger H. Iota-Carrageenan is a potent inhibitor of rhinovirus infection. Virol J. 2008;5:107. Published 2008 Sep 26. doi:10.1186/1743-422X-5-107 (PubMed)
[7] Koenighofer, M., Lion, T., Bodenteich, A. et al. Carrageenan nasal spray in virus confirmed common cold: individual patient data analysis of two randomized controlled trials. Multidiscip Respir Med9, 57 (2014). (SpringerLink)
[8] Khamsi, R 2006 Seaweed compound blocks cervical cancer virus New Scientist
[9] Buck CB, Thompson CD, Roberts JN, Müller M, Lowy DR, et al. (2006) Carrageenan Is a Potent Inhibitor of Papillomavirus Infection. PLOS Pathogens 2(7): e69.
The World Health Organization will soon declare a pandemic. Countries are preparing for the pandemic. Boost immunity with seaweed.
In our hugely complex global moment of change in transportation, economies, energy, we have an exogenous shock. A massive, tiny bundle of protein, the troublesome 120nm-diameter spiky virus. In its shell, is a wound-up pair of DNA strands, carrying just eight kilobytes of genetic code. It begins:
attaaaggtt tataccttcc caggtaacaa accaaccaac
Germs have changed the course of history in the past. Zoonotic transplants from crowded European towns, where humans lived cheek-by-jowl with their animals, were a powerful ally to the Spanish during the genocidal colonisation of South America. Bill Gates calls this latest a “once-in-a-century” pandemic.
What makes this virus different from seasonal flu is how easily it spreads. Sheer numbers of people infected. Nursing homes, hospitals will be overwhelmed. There is every chance that both you and I will come down with the disease. A broad guess is that 25-70% of the population of any infected country may catch the disease.
Young – the effects from disease are mild.
Elderly have a one chance in six of dying
Middle aged? The chances are less.
If “health compromised” i.e. have high blood pressure or diabetes your chances of dying have more than doubled
Check out the graphs from WHO below.
Importantly, if you suffer from other medical conditions, like hypertension or diabetes, then you can make some small but important changes.
Boost Immunity with seaweed
Now is the time to prepare. Prepare your body with a boost to your immunity. And prepare for some interruption as the government imposes the only thing it can at this stage which is movement control. So prepare to be at your home for a couple of weeks, with children and not being able to go to work.
Boost Immunity and Eat Seaweed
What can you do to boost your immunity to a virus? Taking seaweed is the quickest and easiest option. Stop smoking. Eat healthy
Seaweed will improve liver function for faster absorption of medications.[3]
Seaweed is high in Potassium, which stabilizes heart rhythm.[4]
Potassium in seaweed also improves muscle function, making breathing easier.[4, 5]
2. If you are over 45
Improve your diabetes quickly with seaweed. Seaweed improves glucose tolerance.[3]
Drop your high blood pressure quickly with seaweed. Clinical trials in both humans and animal models show seaweed reduces hypertension effectively.[2]
Seaweed reduces inflammation in the heart, liver, and pancreas, freeing up immune cells for fighting infections. [3]
3. For everyone
Boost immunity. Seaweed is full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants from seaweed.[6]
Seaweed will improve liver function for better blood filtration and nutrient availability.[3]
Increase energy levels and general health from better thyroid function with healthy iodine and tyrosine in seaweed.[7]
Improve gut health and gut immunity with the prebiotic effects of seaweed.[3]Some cases of the recent pandemic have also caused gastrointestinal problems.
Prepare your gut. By eating seaweed, you will boost immunity with seaweed. Who knows?
Prepare your home
1 Emergency Plan
Make sure you have an emergency plan in place.
Know what to do BEFORE the need arises.
Check out The Red Cross Website can help but also check your Local Government and State Health Departments for more information.
2 Medications
Make sure you have 14 days of medications available for you, your family, and pets.
You may need to be in-home quarantine for that long.
3 Food and Household Supplies
Gradually build up supplies of canned and frozen goods
[2] Z. Eshak, “PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF Kappaphycus alvarezii ON THE HEART OF HYPERTENSIVE AND HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC INDUCED SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS,” Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, vol. 12, no. 1, 2016.
[3] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017. (Pubmed)
[4] M. S. Stone, L. Martyn, and C. M. Weaver, “Potassium intake, bioavailability, hypertension, and glucose control,” Nutrients, vol. 8, no. 7, p. 444, 2016.
[5] K. S. Kumar, K. Ganesan, K. Selvaraj, and P. S. Rao, “Studies on the functional properties of protein concentrate of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty–An edible seaweed,” Food chemistry, vol. 153, pp. 353-360, 2014.
[6] K. S. Kumar, K. Ganesan, and P. S. Rao, “Antioxidant potential of solvent extracts of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty–An edible seaweed,” Food chemistry, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 289-295, 2008.
[7] P. Watson, “Tyrosine Supplementation: Can This Amino Acid Boost Brain Dopamine and Improve Physical and Mental Performance?,” Sports Sci. Exch, vol. 28, no. 157, pp. 1-6, 2016.
I became the carer for my mother in the final months of her battle with colorectal cancer. As her disease progressed her dependence on me, day and night increased. That time of my life was the most difficult but also the most rewarding.
Compared to other full-time carers I had an easy time of it. As emotionally and physically draining as the experience was, it was over within a year and I was able to grieve my mother then return to a normal life. Others care for their loved ones for years or even decades. It is for these people that I write this paper.
From my experience as a palliative carer, and as someone who has recently started taking Pacific Seamoss, I recommend seaweed for all carers. Care for the carer.
Seaweed to Care for the Carer
1. Seaweed creates more energy for the carer
Although there is no definitive science on this, there are many possible reasons why Pacific Seamoss customers say they have more energy than they have had for years. The increase in complete nutrients plus the benefits of increased good gut bacteria probably accounts for the new levels of energy. Every carer feels fatigued at some point and extra energy without the sleep-depriving effects of caffeine are a real benefit to daily life.
2. Seaweed contains molecules that help you cope better with stress
Being a carer is stressful. Not only are you dealing with the physical demands, but there is also the mental load of the distress of your loved one, plus the emotional loss of the healthy person you once. Tyrosine is just one of the nutrients found in seaweed that converts to neurotransmitters in the brain to increase mental function and reduce fatigue during times of stress. So owe it to yourself, and take seaweed to care for the carer[1]
3. Seaweeds boost immunity to Care for the Carer
Being a carer means getting sick is not an option. You need to be healthy to carry out the daily tasks of caring for your loved one, plus you don’t want to make them unwell by passing on a cold or flu. Seaweed is high in major immune-boosting co-factors like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B3, and zinc.[1] Seaweed also has well-documented antioxidant properties to help fight infection and disease. [2]
4. Seaweed prevents major diseases caused by chronic stress
As much as we like to think we are coping well, being a carer is having a physiological effect on our bodies. Stress changes the hormonal balance so hormones like cortisol, glycogen and adrenaline are working against us, dramatically increasing the risk of major diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The science shows that seaweed is a good long-term option for prevention of stress-related disease.
Cancer is reduced in populations that consume seaweed, plus seaweed shows cancer prevention properties. [3-5]
Seaweed reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and waist circumference – all risks for heart attack. [5-7] (Check out our review)
Seaweed reverses glucose intolerance and improves energy storage and metabolism, reducing risk of type 2 diabetes. [7-9]
Being a carer is not easy, yet it is something feel we must do. I suggest you make things easier for yourself; being kinder to you will allow you to be kinder to the one you love. Seaweed will make things easier for you. Care for the carer.
Further Reading
[1] M. L. Cornish, A. T. Critchley, and O. G. Mouritsen, “Consumption of seaweeds and the human brain,” Journal of Applied Phycology, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2377-2398, 2017.
[2] F. Makkar and K. Chakraborty, “Antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory potential of sulphated polygalactans from red seaweeds Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria opuntia,” International Journal of Food Properties, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1326-1337, 2017. (Google Scholar)
[3] J. Kim et al., “Associations among dietary seaweed intake, c-MYC rs6983267 polymorphism, and risk of colorectal cancer in a Korean population: a case–control study,” European journal of nutrition, pp. 1-12, 2019.
[4] J. Teas, Q. Zhang, and S. Muga, “Seaweed as chemoprevention: From breast cancer epidemiology to breast cancer cell culture,” ed: AACR, 2006.
[5] A. Nanri et al., “Dietary patterns and all-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular disease mortality in Japanese men and women: The Japan public health center-based prospective study,” PloS one, vol. 12, no. 4, 2017.
[6] P. Matanjun, S. Mohamed, K. Muhammad, and N. M. Mustapha, “Comparison of cardiovascular protective effects of tropical seaweeds, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Caulerpa lentillifera, and Sargassum polycystum, on high-cholesterol/high-fat diet in rats,” Journal of medicinal food, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 792-800, 2010.
[7] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017.
[8] J. Teas, M. E. Baldeón, D. E. Chiriboga, J. R. Davis, A. J. Sarriés, and L. E. Braverman, “Could dietary seaweed reverse the metabolic syndrome?,” Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 145, 2009.
[9] Y. X. Chin, Y. Mi, W. X. Cao, P. E. Lim, C. H. Xue, and Q. J. Tang, “A pilot study on anti-obesity mechanisms of Kappaphycus alvarezii: The role of native κ-carrageenan and the leftover sans-carrageenan fraction,” Nutrients, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 1133, 2019.
The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and all the arteries, veins and capillaries that are threaded throughout the body. The number one role is to deliver oxygen to every cell in the body. Get a healthy heart on seaweed. The heart is the strong pump that drives the oxygen delivery and beats from the first weeks after conception through to our last breath. No wonder heart health is so important.
Un-Healthy Heart – Cardiovascular Disease
The term “cardiovascular disease” can refer to a raft of heart and arterial diseases that affect this system. These range from aortic aneurysms to congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease and stroke. All these conditions have the same underlying causes that are either modifiable, like diet, or non- modifiable like genetics. We are all well educated about how to change our lifestyle to prevent heart disease. But despite major medical advances and public health campaigns over the past decades, Cardiovascular Disease remains the number one cause of death for both men and women in Australia. [1]
Health Food –> Healthy Heart
Science tells us that the solution may be easier and more readily available than the medical profession would have us believe. Nations with low rates of cardiovascular diseases, such as Japan, eat a diet rich in seaweed. The evidence is clear that on the Japanese diet of 1975 they had healthy heart on seaweed diet. This sea vegetable is rich in novel phytochemicals that create functional changes in the body when consumed regularly.
How Can Seaweed Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease?
1. Seaweed reduces blood pressure.
The mechanism is not known, but several studies have shown that systolic blood pressure is returned to normal range in rats when seaweed is included in the daily diet for several weeks. [2]. One study compared seaweed intake with blood pressure medication and found regular seaweed consumption caused the same BP reduction as an ACE Inhibitor. [3]. The effect has been shown to be just as strong in humans, dropping high blood pressure to normal measures, while not lowering healthy pressure. [4] This suggests the seaweed is returning the cardiovascular system to health, rather than just dropping blood pressure in isolation.
2. Healthy heart on seaweed – prevents ventricular hypertrophy
When the heart muscle is placed under stress because of high blood pressure the body compensates by thickening the walls of the heart. This reduces the size of the chamber into which the blood flows. The heart is unable to effectively pump anymore eventually lead to heart failure. Studies have shown that seaweed prevents the hypertrophic thickening of the heart walls even in the context of a high fat diet. [3]
3. Healthy Heart on Seaweed prevents cardiac fibrosis
In any state of cardiac stress or disease, a structural protein, collagen, builds up in the heart muscle causing fibrosis – a hardening and enlarging of the heart muscle. This limits the ability of the heart muscle to contract and interferes with the electrical conduction that makes your heart beat regularly. Cardiac fibrosis is progressive and eventually leads to heart failure. Seaweed removes collagen from heart tissue independent of dietary and lifestyle changes. [2]
4. Seaweed Reduces Blood Lipids
Caused by a diet high in fat or genetic predisposition, high cholesterol, particularly bad LDL cholesterol, leads to arterial plaques the eventually block arteries, particularly the coronary arteries. These are the small arteries that run along the outside of the heart bringing blood supply and oxygen to the heart muscle itself. When these arteries are blocked the heart muscles stops functioning and may die – this is called myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack. Seaweed has been shown to interfere with the normal mechanisms of lipid breakdown, preventing dietary fats from building up in the blood stream and causing arterial plaques.[2] One study showed seaweed was as effective as a statin medication in reducing cholesterol. [3]
5. Seaweed reduces inflammation
Most cardiac disease is ultimately caused by inflammatory processes in the body. Damage ranges from hardening of small injuries to the arteries caused by arterial plaques, or invasion of inflammatory cells into the heart muscle itself. Seaweed has a dual action to remove inflammation in the heart and the arteries. The prebiotic component of seaweed upregulates good bacteria in the colon which in turns sends anti-inflammatory molecules into the blood stream to reach the arteries and heart.[5] In a second, unknown mechanism, seaweed removes inflammatory cells that build up in the cardiac muscle from stress, western diet or age. [2]. The Japanese demonstrate that you get a healthy heart on seaweed.
[2] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017.
The fairy tale has come true. You have found that special someone who will be beside you for the rest of your life. You are living the happily ever after.
Building a life together, raising a family, weathering life’s storms all make the bonds of love grow deeper and stronger. But as we age, we see other couples who have lost partners early because of cancer or heart disease. And we realize the fragility of life and the importance of your own relationship and the health of your partner.
Valentines Day Gift
This Valentine’s Day give your loved one the gift of health and longevity with seaweed.
Japan, particularly the island of Okinawa, is known for its high numbers of people living healthily well into their 90s and beyond. A daily intake of seaweed is one of the main reasons why health outcomes are so good in the Okinawan population. Sadly, studies have shown that switching the traditional seaweed-based diet to the typical western diet reverses all the positive effects and disease revert to the same as those in western countries.
Nothing says I love you more with Seaweed. Why?
Seaweed has a strong impact on health.
1. Seaweed is a potent prebiotic
Seaweed feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut. Healthy gut bacteria produce bioactive metabolites that cross into the blood stream for delivery to all the cells in the body. These metabolites have wide ranging effects including reducing inflammation, improving liver and heart function, and improving immunity. If you give seaweed, improving gut health. Nothing says I love you more than seaweed!
2. Seaweed Novel Compounts
Seaweed is full of novel compounds not found in terrestrial plants. These compounds, such as sulphated galactans, have powerful effects on cellular processes. These drive the immune and healing mechanisms in the body to produce anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties.
3. Seaweed high in potassium
Potassium is essential for a healthy heart. It also relaxes the muscles built into arterial wall, reducing blood pressure. This makes the heart less burdened, but it also protects the very small blood vessels in the brain, important for dementia prevention.
Seaweed is the gift for a lifetime.
Seaweed – the smart organic medicinal food for boosting your immunity