Alzheimer's Disease Biosea Health Heart Health

Healthy Heart Reduces Dementia

A recent study published in PLOS showed a healthy heart reduces dementia in a cohort of about 1500 Finish people. Improvements in heart health in midlife reduced dementia risk. It was the latest study finding people with better cardiovascular health metrics scores in midlife had a significantly lower risk of late-life dementia.

More than 5 million adults aged 65 years and older in the United States are predicted to have dementia, with projected increases to nearly 14 million people by 2050. In Australia, it affects about 1 in 15 over the age of 65. The cost is more than $15 billion and costs about $35,000 per sufferer. [4] It is not a “normal” part of aging. Lifestyle makes a big difference.

Severe cognitive dysfunction involving difficulties with memory, recognition, language, decision making, attention, and problem-solving accompanies dementia. This can interfere with a person’s daily functioning.

The Healthy Heart Reduces Dementia Study

Dementia is a long term disease and this cohort study included 1,449 participants from the Finnish Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging, and Dementia (CAIDE) study, who were followed from midlife (baseline from1972 to 1987; mean age 50.4 years; 62.1% female) to late life (1998), and then 744 dementia-free survivors were followed further into late life (2005 to 2008). (30 year study)


The dementia rate was about 3.8% over a 20-year cumulative incidence for a healthy heart regime. If you had an unhealthy profile the risk of increase of dementia by about 3 times (to 9% over those 20 years)

Some lifelong modifiable risk factors identified in epidemiological studies, including cardiovascular risk factors from mid to late life, play a crucial role in the onset and progression of dementia. Seaweed reduces blood pressure and decreases heart inflammation in animal studies.

In fact, simulation research estimates that up to 35% of dementia cases may be due to modifiable risk factors across the life span. These risk factors include social and mental health factors such as education, social engagement, hearing loss, and depression.

Epidemiological studies also show the importance of cardiovascular health in the prevention of dementia. Factors such as smoking, diabetes, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol are all associated with an increased risk of dementia.

The American Heart Association’s (AHA) has 7 cardiovascular health metrics and four are behavioral:

  • physical activity
  • diet
  • smoking
  • body weight

Three components are biological:

  • blood cholesterol
  • blood pressure
  • blood glucose

Scientists have associated having ideal cardiovascular health metrics in midlife with a reduced incidence of dementia in later life.

Seaweed Reduces Dementia

In animal studies seaweed reduces dementia – but the translation from lab to human use is not direct. However there is enough evidence that the models are sound. This study concluded a healthy heart reduces dementia and there is data that seaweed reduces hypertension and diabetes – both major risk factor to dementia.



[1] Liang Y, Ngandu T, Laatikainen T, Soininen H, Tuomilehto J, Kivipelto M, et al. (2020) Cardiovascular health metrics from mid- to late-life and risk of dementia: A population-based cohort study in Finland. PLoS Med 17(12): e1003474.

[2] [1] Wanyonyi, S; du Preez, R; Brown, L; Paul, N; Panchal, S  2017 Kappaphycus alvarezii as a Food Supplement Prevents Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats. Nutrients (9) 11 DOI:10.3390/nu9111261 (Click for Abstract) (Click to download full paper)

[3] Bogie, J et al (Including Monique Mulder) 2019 Dietary Sargassum fusiforme improves memory and reduces amyloid plaque load in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Scientific Reports 9 (1) DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-41399-4 (Click for Abstract) (Click to download full paper)

[4] Dementia – an overview. Healthdirec facts

Biosea Health Heart Health

Healthy Heart on Seaweed

The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and all the arteries, veins and capillaries that are threaded throughout the body. The number one role is to deliver oxygen to every cell in the body. Get a healthy heart on seaweed. The heart is the strong pump that drives the oxygen delivery and beats from the first weeks after conception through to our last breath. No wonder heart health is so important.

Un-Healthy Heart – Cardiovascular Disease

The term “cardiovascular disease” can refer to a raft of heart and arterial diseases that affect this system. These range from aortic aneurysms to congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease and stroke. All these conditions have the same underlying causes that are either modifiable, like diet, or non- modifiable like genetics. We are all well educated about how to change our lifestyle to prevent heart disease. But despite major medical advances and public health campaigns over the past decades, Cardiovascular Disease remains the number one cause of death for both men and women in Australia. [1]

Health Food –> Healthy Heart

Science tells us that the solution may be easier and more readily available than the medical profession would have us believe. Nations with low rates of cardiovascular diseases, such as Japan, eat a diet rich in seaweed. The evidence is clear that on the Japanese diet of 1975 they had healthy heart on seaweed diet. This sea vegetable is rich in novel phytochemicals that create functional changes in the body when consumed regularly.

How Can Seaweed Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease?

Healthy Heart on Seaweed as fresh or dried improves heart health1. Seaweed reduces blood pressure.

The mechanism is not known, but several studies have shown that systolic blood pressure is returned to normal range in rats when seaweed is included in the daily diet for several weeks. [2]. One study compared seaweed intake with blood pressure medication and found regular seaweed consumption caused the same BP reduction as an ACE Inhibitor. [3]. The effect has been shown to be just as strong in humans, dropping high blood pressure to normal measures, while not lowering healthy pressure. [4] This suggests the seaweed is returning the cardiovascular system to health, rather than just dropping blood pressure in isolation.

2. Healthy heart on seaweed – prevents ventricular hypertrophy

When the heart muscle is placed under stress because of high blood pressure the body compensates by thickening the walls of the heart. This reduces the size of the chamber into which the blood flows. The heart is unable to effectively pump anymore eventually lead to heart failure. Studies have shown that seaweed prevents the hypertrophic thickening of the heart walls even in the context of a high fat diet. [3]

3. Healthy Heart on Seaweed prevents cardiac fibrosis

In any state of cardiac stress or disease, a structural protein, collagen, builds up in the heart muscle causing fibrosis – a hardening and enlarging of the heart muscle. This limits the ability of the heart muscle to contract and interferes with the electrical conduction that makes your heart beat regularly. Cardiac fibrosis is progressive and eventually leads to heart failure. Seaweed removes collagen from heart tissue independent of dietary and lifestyle changes. [2]

4. Seaweed Reduces Blood Lipids

Caused by a diet high in fat or genetic predisposition, high cholesterol, particularly bad LDL cholesterol, leads to arterial plaques the eventually block arteries, particularly the coronary arteries. These are the small arteries that run along the outside of the heart bringing blood supply and oxygen to the heart muscle itself. When these arteries are blocked the heart muscles stops functioning and may die – this is called myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack. Seaweed has been shown to interfere with the normal mechanisms of lipid breakdown, preventing dietary fats from building up in the blood stream and causing arterial plaques.[2] One study showed seaweed was as effective as a statin medication in reducing cholesterol. [3]

5. Seaweed reduces inflammation

Most cardiac disease is ultimately caused by inflammatory processes in the body. Damage ranges from hardening of small injuries to the arteries caused by arterial plaques, or invasion of inflammatory cells into the heart muscle itself. Seaweed has a dual action to remove inflammation in the heart and the arteries. The prebiotic component of seaweed upregulates good bacteria in the colon which in turns sends anti-inflammatory molecules into the blood stream to reach the arteries and heart.[5] In a second, unknown mechanism, seaweed removes inflammatory cells that build up in the cardiac muscle from stress, western diet or age. [2].  The Japanese demonstrate that you get a healthy heart on seaweed.

Check out a detailed science review on Blood Pressure Control with Seaweed Dietary Supplement


[1] A. I. o. Health and Welfare, “Deaths in Australia,” AIHW, Canberra2019, Available:

[2] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017.

[3] Z. Eshak, “PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF Kappaphycus alvarezii ON THE HEART OF HYPERTENSIVE AND HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC INDUCED SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS,” Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, vol. 12, no. 1, 2016.

[4] J. Teas, M. E. Baldeón, D. E. Chiriboga, J. R. Davis, A. J. Sarriés, and L. E. Braverman, “Could dietary seaweed reverse the metabolic syndrome?,” Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 145, 2009.

[5] I. Sekirov, S. L. Russell, L. C. M. Antunes, and B. B. Finlay, “Gut microbiota in health and disease,” Physiological reviews, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 859-904, 2010.

Biosea Health Heart Health

Nothing says I love you more than seaweed

The fairy tale has come true. You have found that special someone who will be beside you for the rest of your life. You are living the happily ever after.
Building a life together, raising a family, weathering life’s storms all make the bonds of love grow deeper and stronger. But as we age, we see other couples who have lost partners early because of cancer or heart disease. And we realize the fragility of life and the importance of your own relationship and the health of your partner.

Valentines Day Gift

This Valentine’s Day give your loved one the gift of health and longevity with seaweed.
Japan, particularly the island of Okinawa, is known for its high numbers of people living healthily well into their 90s and beyond. A daily intake of seaweed is one of the main reasons why health outcomes are so good in the Okinawan population. Sadly, studies have shown that switching the traditional seaweed-based diet to the typical western diet reverses all the positive effects and disease revert to the same as those in western countries.

Nothing says I love you more with Seaweed. Why?

Seaweed has a strong impact on health.

1. Seaweed is a potent prebiotic

Seaweed feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut. Healthy gut bacteria produce bioactive metabolites that cross into the blood stream for delivery to all the cells in the body. These metabolites have wide ranging effects including reducing inflammation, improving liver and heart function, and improving immunity. If you give seaweed, improving gut health. Nothing says I love you more than seaweed!

2. Seaweed Novel Compounts

Seaweed is full of novel compounds not found in terrestrial plants. These compounds, such as sulphated galactans, have powerful effects on cellular processes. These drive the immune and healing mechanisms in the body to produce anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties.

3. Seaweed high in potassium

Potassium is essential for a healthy heart. It also relaxes the muscles built into arterial wall, reducing blood pressure. This makes the heart less burdened, but it also protects the very small blood vessels in the brain, important for dementia prevention.

Seaweed is the gift for a lifetime.

Seaweed – the smart organic medicinal food for boosting your immunity

Beauty Biosea Health Weight loss

The Kardashians eat Seaweed!

Were you aware the Kardashians eat seaweed. Do you care? The internet lit up this week with news that Kim Kardashian sprinkles seamoss in her morning smoothie.
Fans from around the world have flooded search engines and online retailers in a frenzied attempt to learn more about seamoss. So, is seamoss just the latest fad or is Ms Kardashian onto something backed by science?

Kardashians eat Seaweed, and Diet is Backed by Science

Seamoss (or seaweed) has been a staple in the diet of coastal people for millennia and its health effects have been noted for just as long. In recent times, as the western diet has become widespread and lifestyle diseases are impacting national health budgets on an unprecedented scale, science has turned to traditional food sources to find where it all went wrong and how it can be fixed. Seamoss has emerged from the scientific community as a highly regarded functional food; namely a food that has medicinal properties as well as being high in nutrition and prebiotic benefits[1].

Australians Leading Seaweed Research for Food

Australia is one of the leading nations in functional food research. The University of Southern Queensland team, led by Professor Lindsay Brown, has conducted research into the effects of seamoss as an offset to the western high fat high carb diet. The USQ team found that the biological markers of metabolic syndrome; glucose tolerance, hypertension, fatty liver, central obesity; could all be reversed by adding seamoss to the daily food intake[1]. These experiments were done in rats, but earlier trials conducted in Ecuador showed similar results[2]. The key is to have a daily intake of seamoss at a level that keeps the bioactive compounds circulating in the blood stream. In other words, seamoss should be consumed as if it were a medicine.

Beyond metabolic syndrome, there is a great deal of science showing the benefits of having seamoss as a regular part of the diet. Trials examining populations of regular seamoss eaters (such as those Blue Zones of Okinawa) show reduced rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia[3].

How Does Seaweed Work

So how does seamoss create all these wonderful effects? The main mechanism is the positive change to the ratio of good to bad gut bacteria. Seamoss has been shown to dramatically increase the number of good bacteria, so they pump health enhancing compounds, including short chain fatty acids, into the blood stream. Inflammation is then reduced throughout the body and organs, especially the liver, work more efficiently. Seamoss then creates an epigenetic shift in gene expression, upregulating genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism[4]. These have effects on the cardiovascular system and the immune system as well as preventing obesity and type 2 diabetes.
In a nutshell, seamoss creates a biological shield against metabolic disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease and the inflammation that causes premature ageing.

It seems like we should all be taking a leaf out of Ms Kardashian’s health book and add seamoss to our daily routines.


[1] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017.

[2] J. Teas, M. E. Baldeón, D. E. Chiriboga, J. R. Davis, A. J. Sarriés, and L. E. Braverman, “Could dietary seaweed reverse the metabolic syndrome?,” Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 145, 2009.

[3] A. Nanri et al., “Dietary patterns and all-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular disease mortality in Japanese men and women: The Japan public health center-based prospective study,” PloS one, vol. 12, no. 4, 2017.

[4] Y. X. Chin, Y. Mi, W. X. Cao, P. E. Lim, C. H. Xue, and Q. J. Tang, “A pilot study on anti-obesity mechanisms of Kappaphycus alvarezii: The role of native κ-carrageenan and the leftover sans-carrageenan fraction,” Nutrients, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 1133, 2019.

Arthritis Biosea Health Health Benefits Heart Health

Six Health Improvements People Are Saying About Pacific Seamoss

Six health improvements are what customers are saying. After consuming Pacific Seamoss for 4 to 12 weeks, what’s their stories? We share below some of the stories. Check out testimonials here.

The good thing about a functional food like Pacific Seamoss, is that it has different effects for different people. Functional foods are so packed with nutrition and natural pharmaceuticals, that they provide the right supplement that your body needs, whether you knew it or not. That said, there seem to be some effects that all our customers are telling us about. Here are the top 6 changes that our Pacific Seamoss customers report.

1. More energy

All our customers reported they were feeling more energetic and able to cope better with the demands of their busy lives. Those that are regular exercisers have found exercise easier. Those that were mostly sedentary tell us they are feeling more energetic and are moving a lot more. The functional foods expert, Professor Lindsay Brown from the University of Southern Queensland, tells us this is because of dramatic changes in the liver allowing faster delivery of nutrients and energy to our cells and muscles.[2,3]

2. General feeling of wellness.

Many of our older customers say they feel better than they have felt for many years. This is not just about more energy but a feeling a positive mindset and am overall sense of wellbeing. All our customers have told us that they are feeling more relaxed, able to cope better with stress and feel less emotionally drained from everyday worries. Pacific Seamoss is packed full of tyrosine, that improves mental alertness and focus during times of stress, giving us a sense of control and reducing anxiety and tension.

3. Reduced Blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a silent killer that is much too easy to develop but very difficult to reduce. Many of our customers take regular prescription medications for hypertension. They tell us that even though medicated, their blood pressure continues to creep up. Inevitably the dosage is increased but so are the nasty side effects. But now, our customers have reported that medications had to be reduced because blood pressures are returning to the normal range. Their doctors are pleased because heart health is improving, and risk of major cardiovascular disease is reduced. Our scientists say it’s probably the Potassium in the Pacific Seamoss that helps regulate the Potassium/Sodium balance in the body and is especially important for heart health.

4. Reduced Joint inflammation

Inflammation in joints occurs for many reasons, the two most common being overuse and arthritis. Both conditions interfere with normal function and stop us from leading a healthy active life. With Pacific Seamoss our customers are reporting pain and inflammation is reduced in arthritic or injured joints. They say they are active again, and greatly appreciate the better quality of life. Even our more athletic customers tell us their niggling training injuries have disappeared. Pacific Seamoss contains plant sterols and other macronutrients that interfere with the chronic inflammation process. It also acts as a pre-biotic – up-regulating your healthy gut bacteria that pump inflammation reducing short chain fatty acids into the blood stream.

5. Minds are much sharper

This is one feature of Pacific Seamoss that we didn’t expect. Many of our customers are reporting sharper minds and easier memory recall. This is especially good news for our older customers, who report age related memory issues are much improved. A new study from scientists in Korea shows that Pacific Seamoss provides neurotrophic factors, otherwise known as s nutrition for brain cells. The seaweed helps to regenerate and repair ageing and damaged cells, while also increasing the availability of neurotransmitters that build strong healthy networks and increase brain plasticity. This is great news for anyone with a history of neurodegenerative conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s and Stroke. It’s also great news for those of us trying to prevent the cognitive decline that occurs when we age.

6. Even More

The best part about keeping in touch with our customers us that we get feedback about changes in health and wellbeing that we previously hadn’t studied. This gives us an opportunity to explore the scientific literature and develop new studies to further expand the scientific knowledge about Pacific Seamoss. That’s what good science is all about. Here are some of the anecdotal reports we are currently looking at.

  • Dysmenorrhoea Painful periods are dramatically reduced in long term sufferers. Likely mechanism – oestrogen management, Potassium/Sodium Balance
  • Hair and Nail Growth Increased growth rate of hair and nails. Likely mechanism – liver up-regulation,
  • Healthy Glowing Skin – Skin conditions improved, and signs of ageing reduced. Likely mechanism – collagen released from inflamed organs made available for skin health, improved microbiome.
  • Relief for Parkinson’s Symptoms – Customers with early-stage Parkinson’s disease have reported easier movement. Likely mechanism – tyrosine in Pacific Seamoss is converted to L-Dopa in the body, improved liver function allowing better delivery to the cells.
  • Improved gut and bowel movements.

What has been your experience with Pacific Seamoss? Do you have six health improvements?

Let us know at


[1] Tirtawijaya, G., Haque, M. N., Choi, J. S., Moon, I. S., Meinita, M. D. N., Choi, J.-S., & Hong, Y.-K. (2019). Spinogenesis and Synaptogenesis Effects of the Red Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and Its Isolated Cholesterol on Hippocampal Neuron Cultures. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, 24(4), 418. (PubMed)

[2] Wanyonyi, S., Du Preez, R., Brown, L., Paul, N. A., & Panchal, S. K. (2017). Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats. Nutrients, 9(11), 1261.(Pubmed)

[3] du Preez, R.; Paul, N.; Mouatt, P.; Majzoub, M.E.; Thomas, T.; Panchal, S.K.; Brown, L. Carrageenans from the Red Seaweed Sarconema filiforme Attenuate Symptoms of Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats. Mar. Drugs 202018, 97.

Arthritis Biosea Health Gut Microbiome Health Benefits

Seaweed reduces obesity? Will it save Queensland’s Fattest City?

USQ scientists set to break the obesity cycle with leading edge findings. Are functional foods better than dieting and exercise…..

Toowoomba takes out the unenviable title of the fattest city in Queensland according to researchers at the Mitchell Institute. Over 83% of the Toowoomba population is overweight or obese, posing major disease risk and a potential public health crisis in the region. But all is not lost for the Garden City with one of its locals possibly holding the key to ending the city’s obesity problem. Professor Lindsay Brown of University of Southern Queensland at Toowoomba has spent more than a decade investigating functional foods and their affect on lifestyle diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and cancer. Professor Brown says that seaweed is showing exceptional effectiveness in reversing obesity related health problems in animal studies and would like to see them in human studies.

Prof Brown and his team of researchers fed rats a junk food diet. The rats, just like humans, gained weight especially around the belly, and also developed fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, pre-type 2 diabetes, arthritis and inflammation of the gut.

But eating as little as 5 gm of seaweed per day completely reversed all of these symptoms.  Blood pressure returned to normal and cell damage to the heart and liver was reversed. Fatty deposits in liver and blood vessels disappeared.  The body’s response to sugar reverted back to the healthy functioning and diabetes risk was eliminated. Inflammation throughout the body was minimised so joint and heart health was much improved.  Professor Brown says the results are highly impressive and somewhat unexpected. He anticipated an improvement in symptoms but not a complete reversal, and a result better than if the patient was taking multiple medicines.

Blood pressure control with seaweed dietary supplement also stopped weight gain
From du Preez 2020 Seaweed reduces weight gain from rats on a junk food diet and makes no different to rats on a standard diet.

Professor Brown now wants to get the message out to the residents of his home town to help change Toowoomba’s frightening health reputation.  He openly provides all the science so residents can judge the effectiveness for themselves. However the media and medical industry have been slow to realise the potential of functional foods.

Biosea Health Gut Microbiome Heart Health Seaweed for Humanity

Experience backed by Science

Is consumer experience backed by science?  What we are looking for is that science provides validation for personal experiences. Seaweed improves health. Scientists know why your blood pressure improves by 15mm Hg. Long term science backs up personal  health improvement. However, one cannot make any health claim. Because the regulatory industry was established for artificial drugs and medicines, and functional foods struggle for registration and have to be tested in human and animal clinical trials.

There are some clinical trials on humans. There are thousands of peer reviewed publications on the health improvements in vitro, in animals and for limited studies, humans. Google Search for “seaweed functional food” returns 3.5 million hits.

Is Experience Backed By Science?

Discussion and peer reviewed publications with

  • Professor Lindsay Brown University of Southern Queensland (been doing research for 20 years on superfoods)
  • Professor Jane Teas Southern Carolina University
  • Dr Jan Villasend – Aarhus University Hospital in clinical research arthritis in Denmark
  • Dr Monique Mulder Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Our “Pacific Seamoss” red seaweed is 35% sulfated polysaccharide and is pretty indigestible, and passes through the stomach into the intestines. The microbiome get busy on it and composition changes and protects the lining. As well as the extra fibre, and normalisation of the bacteria, some of the other 1000 compounds in the seaweed get absorbed. Some of the compounds have been identified and implicated in the beneficial effects. (eg fucoidan) but there are many unknowns on the mechanism.

Some brown seaweeds (Kelp, Dulce) have an issue with iodine levels too high so you cannot eat the 5+ grams per day of seaweed. The five grams is a daily serve of veges.
Is there a major difference between seaweeds. Possibly if you refine them. But if you have them whole there may not be due to the very complicated interactions.

Metabolic Syndrome Clinical Trial with Humans – 2013

Prof Jane Teas. Did a human double blind clinical trial on 40 overweight volunteers who were already on blood pressure tablets and statins. They all had metabolic syndrome so they all had 2 of those symptoms – Hypertension, weight, high cholesterol and sugar intolerance. They were given 5gm of seaweed, between 4 and 8 gm depending on the treatments.

Significant Outcome. Blood pressure was down 10mm Hg. Patients lost on average 3 kg. There was a reduction in type 2 diabetes. Their cholesterol went down by 2 whole points.  The attached paper has more details.

Animal Studies Obesity Fats Rats made Thin 2017

Professor Lindsay Brown from University of Southern Queensland / UQ has been doing functional food research for 15 years on animals. They did do some human trials on Queen Garnet Plums through Univ Victoria with Over his research spanning 2 decades and multiple products, including purple fruits (with anthrocyanin), purple carrots, purple plums, purple corn and also on linseed, and more recently on seaweed with various species the results are the same.

  • Improvement of gut microbiome
  • Reduction or elimination of fatty liver
  • Bone density increase
  • Blood pressure reduction
  • Weight loss reduction
  • Cartilage increase .

What is interesting that essentially fatty liver disease is gone, heart fibrous tissue gone, cholesterol down and good DNA data from the gut microbiome returning to normal.

Prof Brown’s conclusion is that there is no real difference between the whole food and if you try to split out the active compounds. They had done the work for the purple plum and the outcomes were the same for the whole food versus the identified other compounds.

Some of his work has been documented in the media.


Prof Brown’s work with rats over the past 15 years shows all of these conditions improve with the super food. Be it purple carrots, linseed, Purple Garnet Plums, Purple Corn, Achacha (Garcinia humalis) Mangostem, Seaweed. As consumers start to eat seaweed daily then it is clear that consumer experience backed by science, and the challenge is to undertake more science on humans that continue to do work on animal studies.

Fatty Liver and Kidney Disease

In the animal studies Lindsay showed reversal of metabolic syndrome and that fatty liver disappear and kidney function returns.

Breast Cancer – Humans 2013

A short single blind trial by Jane Teas in 2013. Only 16 people, all breast cancer survivors and only for 12 weeks. 4 weeks placebo, 4 weeks 5 gm Unadaria (a brown). The Creatinine levels halved. Creatinine is a marker of inflammation and more importantly implicated in breast cancer. . She was looking to explain why Japanese women have 1/10 breast cancer rates of those in USA

“uPAR is higher among postmenopausal women generally, and for BC patients, it is associated with unfavorable BC prognosis. By lowering uPAR, dietary seaweed may help explain lower BC incidence and mortality among postmenopausal women in Japan. “

There is other animal and invitro studies and it shows that in mice the oestrogen was stripped out. See this blog

Dementia 2019

Prof Brown says animal studies in dementia do not translate well into humans and that 1 drug out of 200 is the track record to date. But Dr Monique Mulder with Sargassum (brown) and others published in Nature in March 2019 that Dietary Sargassum fusiforme improves memory and reduces amyloid plaque load in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. The thing seems to be multi-modal in that it provides plant sterols to the brain crossing the blood brain barrier, and stops amyloid plaques and tangles. And reverses it in mice. They are moving from animals to humans in their trials.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Bowel Inflammation

Dr Jan Villadsen got given some seaweed/rapeseed/fermented mix from from his University friend Dr Belinda Bjerre who is a Project Diretor on some of the EU seaweed research programs. The mix was to developed to eliminate use of zinc oxide and antibiotics in pig production. The pig studies show equivalence or better than conventional Zn+antibiotic treatments. Note: zinc is banned in EU animal feed from 2022. A long term rheumatic arthritis (RA) sufferer, Dr Villadsen’s C-Reactive Protein goes to zero in 17 days. Patent. Publications. He and colleagues at Aarhaus are now doing a clinical trial with 200 patients on IBS and RA .

Osteo Athritis

We don’t know exactly which of the 100 different types of arthritis seaweed will work on. There is consistent strong anecdotal evidence. There is in vitro studies. A Nature publication from Prof Xiao and Prof Brown [6] demonstrated when they took the rats from Browns metabolic studies and they identified collagen and connective growth recovery in the rats. This is similar to the osteoarthritis work with extracted fucoidan extracts from brown seaweed.


Functional foods can provide health benefits by reducing the risk of chronic diseases and enhancing the ability to manage chronic diseases, and improving the quality of life. This gives seaweed great potential as a supplement in functional food or for the extraction of compounds.

Our company has a challenge to accelerate the clinical trials and register the benefits to be able to make health claims. Pacific Seamoss is just food. But make your own judgement. No one is stopping you eat food. Even nail growth! We have people where their nails grow more and this is a prime experience backed by science over 11 years ago.


[1] Wanyonyi, S; du Preez, R; Brown, L; Paul, N; Panchal, S  2017 Kappaphycus alvarezii as a Food Supplement Prevents Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats. Nutrients (9) 11 DOI:10.3390/nu9111261 (Click for Abstract) (Click to download full paper)

[2] Teas, J et al  2009 Could dietary seaweed reverse the metabolic syndrome? Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 18 (2) 145-157 (Click for Abstract) (Click to download full paper)

[3] Teas, J et al 2013 The consumption of seaweed as a protective factor in the etiology of breast cancer: proof of principle. J Appl Phycol 25 771-779  DOI:10.1007/s10811-012-9931-0 (Click for Abstract) (Click to download full paper)

[4] Bogie, J et al (Including Monique Mulder) 2019 Dietary Sargassum fusiforme improves memory and reduces amyloid plaque load in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Scientific Reports 9 (1) DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-41399-4 (Click for Abstract) (Click to download full paper)

[5] Villasend J;  Silkeborg R 2019 Clinical trial: Investigation of macroalgae as a synbiotic adjuvant in chronic inflammatory diseases. Seagriculture19 Belgium presentation  (Click to download presentation)

[6] Sekar, S., Shafie, S., Prasadam, I. et al. Saturated fatty acids induce development of both metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis in rats. Sci Rep 7, 46457 (2017).


Biosea Health Health Benefits Heart Health

Improve Heart Health with Seaweed

Improve Heart Health with Seaweed

You can improve heart health with a diet of seaweed because it reduces blood pressure – an essential part of heart health. It improves gut microbiome, is full of essential nutrients, amino acids, lipids, and over 1,000 biologically active compounds. Research globally is chasing some of the compounds.  The compounds have anti-microbial, fungicidal, anti-cancer, weight loss, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and memory function properties. There are some novel compounds in the research phase. Whole seaweed may be as effective as the compounds, but food cannot make health claims.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.13 billion people suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), with only 20% of them having the condition under control. Globally, high blood pressure is estimated to result in the death of about 7.5 million. Hypertension forces the cardiovascular system to work harder, creating pressure within the heart and arteries that can reach dangerous levels. Hypertension is considered to be the most common chronic disease and a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer

One of the main challenges relating to high blood pressure is that an affected person may not know that you have hypertension. About a third of people affected by high blood pressure do not know it. The surest way to see if you have high blood pressure is through regular checkups by a medical professional because the symptoms of high blood pressure can be easily ignored. It is commonly referred to as “the silent killer,” and some common symptoms include dizziness, headaches, nose bleeds, vision changes, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting, depending on the severity of the condition. If left uncontrolled, hypertension can lead to strokes, seizures, heart attacks, irregular heart rhythm, kidney damage, and blocked arteries, all of which can result in death.

Seaweed Reduces Blood Pressure

improve heart healthSeaweed has become a popular diet due to the association of its intake to longer life expectancy and lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases to improve heart health. In eastern Asia, increased consumption of seaweed has been linked to the reduced rates of high blood pressure. In a study among Japanese preschool children, seaweed has been suggested to have beneficial effects on blood pressure. Seaweed contains several essential minerals, including potassium, copper, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and sodium. These minerals, as part of a healthy diet, can help to lower the risk of both high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Other anti-hypertensive compounds found in seaweed include peptides and fucoxanthin, which have promising anti-hypertensive properties and act by counteracting the main mechanisms of high blood pressure. The ingestion of seaweed has been shown to improve the physical structure of the heart in rats.

Improve Heart Health With Potassium

Seaweed has high levels of potassium. Potassium especially has been recommended as an essential element in helping to improve heart health. A diet that includes increased intake of potassium may help in the prevention and control of hypertension and a decrease in deaths associated with cardiovascular diseases. Consumption of potassium has also been found to help in reducing high blood pressure in adults, which in turn reduces the risk of coronary heart diseases. Potassium helps the heart by relieving tension on the walls of the blood vessels, and this helps to lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of a stroke. A diet with sufficient potassium also helps to remove sodium from the body. There are many ways to ingest the necessary amounts of potassium; however, 18g of dried seaweed contains approximately the same amount of potassium as 700 g of spinach. The World Health Organization guidelines recommend a daily intake (RDI) of potassium of at least 3,510 mg of potassium per day, and this is sufficiently provided by the regular addition of seaweed to your diet.


[1] How too little potassium may contribute to cardiovascular disease 2017 National Institure of Health (Link)

[2] Increasing potassium intake to reduce blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular diseases in adults WHO (Link)