
Creaking Aching Knees Gone

Creaking aching knees gone! I did not actually believe it. I was pushed into taking seaweed. “Just for a month”, Hugh said. “No result. No pay. What do you have to lose?”

I’m a printer with a printing and marketing business called 4CP, and I often have to squat down to pick up a box of paper or similar stored under the bench. The printer tray is right down at the bottom of the machine. Over the years, my knees start to complain and I have to hang onto the benches to get back up again.

After 3 or 4 weeks I realised I had squatted down, picked up a box and had no pain. Thinking about it more, I realised I been doing that movement for a week and hadn’t even noticed pain. That’s what pain is like – you get so used to it it takes a while when it disappears. No holding onto the table to haul myself back up. Remarkable!

I know take the seaweed regularly and found that the aches and pains have improved even more over time. It has taken a while to retrain my mind.

The only thing I don’t like is having to cut my toenails regularly. Guess that comes with the product and as a male less body maintenance is a plus.

I have taken tumeric and other natural products over previous years, so was not expecting a huge change, but seaweed fixed my creaking and aching knees and was certainly a lot more effect than I normally have.

Wayne Knetter4CP Palmwoods, QLD 


Reduce My Blood Pressure Meds

Six months ago I went to the cardiologist and got put on blood pressure tablets to take it down from >160 to 145. Then extra dose to take me down to 135. The seaweed tablets have dropped me to 120. I feel better, and can now do the exercise I was instructed and want to do. In a month or so I am going back to the Cardiologist and ask to stop taking that double dose of nasties.


Energy to Burn

I get myself often close to exhaustion , as I do CrossFit type of exercise ( chopping wood, digging post holes, pushing barrow loads of soil around) and love it. More enjoyable than going to a gym. But oh, during that evening after cooling off and sitting around I am very stiff and sore to walk. (I move like a 100 year old).

I started taking seaweed, and now after I cool down I am getting progressively less stiff and seem to repair the tears within the evening. Tightness in legs gone.

I have energy to burn!

Tony Nash, Palmwoods, Qld Australian

Arthritis Reviews

Natural Arthritis Relief with Seaweed

Natural Arthritis Relief with Seaweed

Seaweed and its anti-oxidant compounds reduce inflammatory pro-inflammatory cytokines (signal carrying proteins), part of the cause of arthritis and seaweed reduces this inflammation. Research is focused on the mechanism and the compounds associated with startling results and also clinical trial on the improved health outcomes observed in animal trials and limited human trials.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is characterized by swelling and tenderness of a joint or joints in the body and is often accompanied by pain and stiffness of the affected areas [1]. The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, in which the collagen cushioning joints breaks down, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), where the immune system attacks the joints and the joint lining. Other forms of arthritis can result from disease and infections, as well as the presence of uric acid crystals [1] [5].

Over time, arthritis continues to progress and symptoms can worsen. The resulting stress on joints can lead to a loss of range of motion and interference in the ability to complete everyday tasks. In severe cases even standing or sitting become difficult [1].

Treatment for arthritis varies, but centers around managing symptoms with the goal of decreasing inflammation and providing pain relief [1] [2]. Research into natural remedies for arthritis has led scientists to investigate the lifestyle habits of Eastern cultures, where the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis is significantly lower [3].

Natural Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Properties

One characteristic that fascinates science is the Eastern diet, which is very different from that of the West. As more is discovered about the world’s oceans, the correlation between dietary seaweed and improved health has led to research into its potential benefits for those with arthritis.[3].

Red, brown and green seaweeds contain a variety of nutrients, minerals, and other compounds [3]. Some of these compounds have been shown to possess properties that may treat the symptoms, and perhaps the causes of arthritis [5]. In laboratory studies, polysaccharide alginate, naturally found in some types of seaweed, has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-immunogenic properties [4].

Arthritis inflammation is attributed to pro-inflammatory cytokines [5] (signal carrying proteins [8]). Testing demonstrated that the production of free radicals can accelerate inflammation associated with arthritis. Seaweed and seaweed derivatives may reduce the pain of arthritis by treating the source of the inflammation, free radicals [5]. Furthermore, research into seaweed may prove to be a link in the development of natural-based analgesic medication [9]

Anti-Oxidants to Break Down Free Radicals

Antioxidants are substances that protect living cells from the effects of free radicals. Whether found in the outside environment or within the body, free radicals are believed to contribute to cancer, heart disease, and other health issues, including arthritis [2].  Foods containing antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, and carotenoids, are found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains [2]. Science is now exploring seaweed as an alternative source of antioxidants with the added benefits of anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting properties [7].

Research suggests that a high concentration of free radicals in the body could be responsible for the inflammation brought about by rheumatoid arthritis. The same study proposes that the worsening of RA over time may also be due to an increase in free radicals within joint tissue [5].

During another study, the antioxidant properties of seaweed scavenged free radicals in vitro (from laboratory cultures). The results of further testing concluded that sulfated alginates protected against free radicals and inflammation [4].

Seaweed for Humanity

There is still a great deal of research yet to be conducted regarding the possible health benefits of seaweed. However, current paths of study have the scientific community excited about the possibilities of finding more effective treatments for arthritis [4] [6] as well as other diseases and disorders.

Seaweed supplements offer a readily accessible and convenient way to include seaweed in a healthy diet. Biosea Health promises to deliver the all-natural health benefits fresh from the ocean to your doorstep in less than 2 weeks.

As with any dietary supplement, you should consult a healthcare professional if you have any questions about adding seaweed to your diet. We make no medical claims.  But we all understand seaweed is healthy. What you may not know is that peer reviewed scientific papers have shown in countless studies on humans, animals and in test tubes that seaweed is healthy. Biosea Health provides seaweed as a simple way to consume food.  Simply good healthy food.











Arthritis Biosea Health Health Benefits

Seaweed reduces Arthritis


The evidence that seaweed reduces arthritis has been demonstrated by a reduction in degeneration of cartilage through potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflamatory and anti-immunogenic actions. Arthritis is one of the most common causes of pain and disability in our aging population and current treatments only address the symptoms of joint disease.  While there are over 100 different types of arthritis, the underlying causes for arthritis are oxidative stress and inflammation in cartilage and in the surrounding tissue. Rheumatoid and osteo arthritis may be caused by different reasons.

Some promising work by  Kerschenmeyer and team in 2017 published promising “in vitro” work with the carrageenan in our Pacific Sea Moss©. While the paper is technical the information is really encouraging. What they said was

“Here we show that the natural polysaccharide alginate and particularly its sulfated derivatives have potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-immunogenic properties in vitro. We found that these polymers exert a free radical scavenging activity in a sulfation-dependent manner. In particular, the sulfation degree of substitution of alginate directly correlated with its ability to scavenge superoxide radicals and to chelate metal ions.”

What Conclusions About Seaweed Reduces Arthritis did the Authors Conclude

The data from that paper shows chemical assays performed with alginate (●), and sulfated alginates with DS 0.1 (•), 0.21 (x), 0.48 (■), 0.74 (✮) and 0.98 (▲). Each figure is a different assay. Figure A) Superoxide radical scavenging assay. B) Hydroxyl radical scavenging assay. C) Metal chelating assay. D) Reducing power assay. Dotted line indicates absorbance of the negative control. Results were obtained from three replicates and are shown as mean +/- SD.

There will have to be more in vitro or field trials but the evidence in the lab follows what many have been saying that seaweed reduces arthritis.


[1] Treating arthritis with algae. A new weapon in the fight against arthritis? Science Direct

[2] Anne Kerschenmeyer, Øystein Arlov, Vera Malheiro, Matthias Steinwachs, Markus Rottmar, Katharina Maniura-Weber, Gemma Palazzoloae and Marcy Zenobi-Wong 2017 Anti-oxidant and immune-modulatory properties of sulfated alginate derivatives on human chondrocytes and macrophages. Biomater. Sci., 2017,5, 1756-1765  DOI:10.1039/C7BM00341B