Antiviral Biosea Health Health Benefits

Boost Immunity Naturally

Seaweed – the smart organic medicinal food for boosting your immunity. It is time to start thinking about our personal health. Is your immune system as strong as it will need to be if faced with a virus? Now is the time to boost your immunity naturally.


Busy lives mean we don’t eat as many fresh fruit and vegetables as we should.


Boost your immunity naturally with seaweed - image of seaweed at harvest
Seaweed is high in all immune-boosting nutrients and is a natural way yo boost your immune system quickly.

Medical experts are telling us the best way to boost immunity is to have a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and pulses. But the truth is most of us don’t get anywhere near enough fresh produce to boost immunity.

Now that we are all looking to be as healthy as we can to fight off viruses, we need an affordable, natural and easy short cut to boost our immunity naturally

Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and zinc. [1, 2]

With 7 times the zinc of oranges, seaweed is a powerful antiviral agent. [3]When you have seaweed in the diet, levels of vitamins and minerals reach cells in the body no matter what other poor diet choices you make.

Yes, seaweed can reverse the effects of eating a western take-out diet, so you can boost your immunity naturally without making big lifestyle changes. [4]


Boost Your Immunity naturally with seaweed
Zinc stops viruses from attaching to cells and causing infection. The graph on the right shows that zinc stopped 75% of common coronavirus from infecting cells


We no longer have to plow through plates of Kale to get the nutrients we need to boost our immunity naturally.

Biosea Health has taken whole dried seaweed and put into capsules so you can easily take immune-boosting amounts of seaweed every day without the hassle. Take it like a supplement to boost immunity

But for those who prefer to indulge a little. BioSea Health has also put seaweed into good quality chocolate so you can eat guilt-free and get a natural boost to your immunity.


BioSea Health has created the ultimate guilt-free immune boosting way to get your daily seaweed. Seaweed Chocolate – and it tastes great.


chocolate recipe Treat for Health
Include seaweed in chocolate for a guilt free treat.

What better way to get your medicinal level of seaweed than in 5 squares of luxurious chocolate. And not only are you increasing your immunity with seaweed, but you are also getting those extra anti-oxidants that good quality chocolate provides.

For those who have favourite chocolate, BioSea Health provides a dried powder product and a recipe so you can turn your favorite chocolate into an immune-boosting health food.

References – Boost Your Immunity

[1] E. M. Brown et al., “Seaweed and human health,” Nutrition reviews, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 205-216, 2014.

[2] A. Farah Diyana, A. Abdullah, Z. Shahrul Hisham, and K. Chan, “Antioxidant activity of red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii and Kappaphycus striatum,” International Food Research Journal, vol. 22, no. 5, 2015. (Google Scholar)

[3] A. J. Te Velthuis, S. H. van den Worm, A. C. Sims, R. S. Baric, E. J. Snijder, and M. J. van Hemert, Zn2+ inhibits virus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture, PLoS pathogens, vol. 6, no. 11, 2010. (PubMed)

[4] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017. (Nutrition)

Antiviral Biosea Health Health Benefits Reviews

Fight Viruses Naturally with Seaweed

Fight viruses naturally with seaweed, as the latest pandemic spread across the entire world. There has never been a better time to boost your immune system. You can fight viruses with seaweed because seaweed is packed with phytonutrients and prebiotics that boost your immunity quickly. But Seaweed is also a powerful tool against the big guns of the virus world such as SARS and HIV/AIDS.

Not convinced?

Here are some of the reasons why seaweed should be your first choice in building your immune health before a virus hits your neighbourhood!

Fight Viruses Naturally

Back in 2004, it was noticed there were higher rates of HIV/AIDS infection in Africa than in South East Asia. Rates in Asia were one-tenth of those in Africa so there must have been something other than sexual contact that was causing the difference. When scientists noticed lower HIV/AIDS rates in pockets of Africa where spirulina was eaten, they decided it was marine algae or seaweed that made the difference. [1]

In 2006, New Scientist[8] reported that a seaweed compound blocks cervical cancer known to be caused by the human papillomavirus [9].  Lead researcher Schiller (USA Bethesda Cancer Institute) said “we were floored by how much better it worked than anything else we tested”. Same mode of action – stopped the virus getting into the cells. But someone needed to take the product through the approval process.  And no one did. A popular vaccine came out at the same time, so further research was shelved.

Research in 2008 [6] showed human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are a predominant cause of common cold and implicated in the worsening of COPD and asthma, as well as the loss of lung transplants. Despite significant efforts, no anti-viral agent is approved for the prevention or treatment of HRV-infection. They suggested spraying the nasal passages with carregeenan. But no one has developed such a product.

We now know it is the sulfated polysaccharides in the cell walls of the seaweed that stop the viruses in their tracks. The seaweed stops the virus from entering cells, so it cant hijack our immune system and make us ill. [2]


Fight viruses with seaweed
Carrageenan inhibited cold viruses in cell culture. (See reference [6])


Fight viruses with seaweed
Red seaweed carrageenan reduces cold virus [6]

Fight Viruses Naturally with Seaweed and High Zinc Levels

Seaweed has 7 times more zinc than oranges. Zinc is involved in all cellular processes, but it is especially important to immunity.

Increased zinc prevents viruses from binding to RNA in cells, so the virus cannot multiply and increase infection in its host. Studies in SARS virus have shown that zinc causes a 3-4 fold reduction in the percentage of the virus binding to RNA. [3]. It is entirely probable that the same mechanism holds for the most recent virus.

Check out our label for the minerals and vitamins in Pacific Seamoss or Kappaphycus alvarezii.  This demonstrates that you can fight viruses with seaweed

Seaweed is high in antioxidants

  • Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are broken molecules also called free radicals. They appear in cells during infections to kill the invaders but also do damage to the host cell.
  • Antioxidants in seaweed show excellent scavenging ability. [4]
  • Antioxidants roam the cells scavenging excess ROS and prevent damage to the underlying cells and tissues.

This is especially important when the infection is in the lungs as is the case with the latest virus. [5] This shows you can fight viruses with seaweed.


Fight viruses with seaweed. Effect on lung capacity
Look in graph B to a 25% reduction. Reference Snelgrove 2006 [5]


fight viruses with seaweed
Increasing Zinc reduced SARS virus load. Reference [6]


For more than 16 years, science has shown you can fight viruses with seaweed. The current SARs like virus is almost at the pandemic stage globally.

What do you have to lose?


[1] J. Teas, J. R. Hebert, J. H. Fitton, and P. V. Zimba, “Algae–a poor man’s HAART?,” Medical Hypotheses, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 507-510, 2004. (Science Direct)

[2] E. M. Brown et al., “Seaweed and human health,” Nutrition reviews, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 205-216, 2014.

[3] A. J. Te Velthuis, S. H. van den Worm, A. C. Sims, R. S. Baric, E. J. Snijder, and M. J. van Hemert, “Zn2+ inhibits virus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture,” PLoS pathogens, vol. 6, no. 11, 2010. (PLOS)

[4] K. S. Kumar, K. Ganesan, and P. S. Rao, “Antioxidant potential of solvent extracts of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty–An edible seaweed,” Food chemistry, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 289-295, 2008.(Link Here)

[5] R. J. Snelgrove, L. Edwards, A. J. Rae, and T. Hussell, “An absence of reactive oxygen species improves the resolution of lung influenza infection,” European journal of immunology, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1364-1373, 2006.  (PLOS)

[6] Grassauer A, Weinmuellner R, Meier C, Pretsch A, Prieschl-Grassauer E, Unger H. Iota-Carrageenan is a potent inhibitor of rhinovirus infection. Virol J. 2008;5:107. Published 2008 Sep 26. doi:10.1186/1743-422X-5-107 (PubMed)

[7] Koenighofer, M., Lion, T., Bodenteich, A. et al. Carrageenan nasal spray in virus confirmed common cold: individual patient data analysis of two randomized controlled trials. Multidiscip Respir Med 9, 57 (2014). (SpringerLink)

[8] Khamsi, R 2006 Seaweed compound blocks cervical cancer virus New Scientist

[9] Buck CB, Thompson CD, Roberts JN, Müller M, Lowy DR, et al. (2006) Carrageenan Is a Potent Inhibitor of Papillomavirus Infection. PLOS Pathogens 2(7): e69.

Arthritis Biosea Health Gut Microbiome Heart Health Weight loss

5 Reasons to Feel Better with Seaweed

Adding seaweed to our diet provides 5 reasons to feel better with seaweed. Our customers tell us they have more energy and enthusiasm for life. There is no question that adding seaweed to our diet makes us feel better. There is sound scientific reason for the health and wellbeing improvements that happen when you take seaweed every day. Here are just 5 reasons to feel better with seaweed and their main benefits according to published peer-reviewed science.

1 of 5 Reasons to feel  better with Seaweed is your Liver is Cleansed

The liver is a manufacturing and storage plant for all the nutrients, enzymes and proteins our body uses every day. It is also the major filtration system for removal of toxins and metabolic wastes. Unfortunately, the western diet causes the liver to become clogged with lobules of fat and then inflammation sets in. This interferes with the liver’s ability to do its job. Toxins begin to build up and vital molecules fail to reach the cells where they are needed. Seaweed removes the fatty build and halts the inflammatory response, so the liver begins to function properly again. [1].  In Professor Brown’s work, the inflammation of the liver is the first sign they see in their rats on a seaweed diet.

2. Inflammation is reduced

Inflammation is a cascade of biochemical and cellular responses designed to protect the body in case of injury or infection. Our modern lifestyle and diet mean we face infectious agents, pollutants and minor injury daily. When you add stress into the mix the process of inflammation becomes chronic leading to disease in the body. Seaweed reduces inflammation in two major ways. Sulphated polygalactan in seaweed works like aspirin to stop the inflammation process [2]. The prebiotic activity of seaweed promotes good gut bacteria that release a variety of anti-inflammatory molecules into the body[3]. So out joints are more free and overall inflammation is reduced. Reduced inflammation also means less energy is diverted to the immune system. Hence, we feel less tired.

3. Thyroid Function is Better

Iodine and tyrosine are the key molecules needed to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones control metabolism at the cellular level and are necessary for proper functioning of all systems in the body. When iodine and tyrosine are in short supply thyroid hormones aren’t produced and metabolism is sluggish. This is experienced as weight gain, lack of energy and feeling cold all the time. Seaweed has healthy levels of bioavailable iodine and tyrosine for optimal hormone production and thyroid function.

4 of 5 Reasons to feel better with Seaweed is Sodium Potassium Balance Improvement

Sodium and potassium are related elements that are vital to life. The western diet tends to be high in sodium but low in potassium, so over 98% of American adults are potassium deficient. Signs of low potassium include fatigue, muscle weakness or cramps and constipation. Diets low in potassium are also known to cause hypertension. Seaweed is high in potassium but low in sodium (4 to 1 ratio) thus can correct the sodium potassium balance. When balanced, potassium makes muscle contraction easier, including the muscles in the arteries, so less effort is required, and fatigue is reduced.

5 of 5 Reasons to Feel Better with Seaweed: Brain function improvement

Seaweed contains many different neurotrophic factors that increase neural connections and generate new cells in the brain. Plant sterols in seaweed create an enriched environment for increased cell connections resulting in improved memory and quicker cognition. [4] Seaweed is also rich in the ancient molecule taurine that helps generate new brain cells. [5] Tyrosine increases dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain, creating feelings of motivation, reward and decreased fatigue, and this has been linked to enhanced performance.[6]


[1] S. Wanyonyi, R. Du Preez, L. Brown, N. A. Paul, and S. K. Panchal, “Kappaphycus alvarezii as a food supplement prevents diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats,” Nutrients, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1261, 2017. (Open Access)

[2] F. Makkar and K. Chakraborty, “Antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory potential of sulphated polygalactans from red seaweeds Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria opuntia,” International Journal of Food Properties, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1326-1337, 2017. (Food Online)

[3] I. Sekirov, S. L. Russell, L. C. M. Antunes, and B. B. Finlay, “Gut microbiota in health and disease,” Physiological reviews, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 859-904, 2010.

[4] G. Tirtawijaya et al., “Spinogenesis and Synaptogenesis Effects of the Red Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and Its Isolated Cholesterol on Hippocampal Neuron Cultures,” Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 418, 2019. (pubmed)

[5] M. L. Cornish, A. T. Critchley, and O. G. Mouritsen, “Consumption of seaweeds and the human brain,” Journal of Applied Phycology, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2377-2398, 2017. (SpringerLink)

[6] P. Watson, “Tyrosine Supplementation: Can This Amino Acid Boost Brain Dopamine and Improve Physical and Mental Performance?,” Sports Sci. Exch, vol. 28, no. 157, pp. 1-6, 2016. Reference