Beauty and Health

Beauty and health news and blogs

Beauty and Health

Seaweed: Not just good food but good food for health

Eating Pacific Seamoss on a regular basis has shown some remarkable unexpected beauty and health benefits. Here are just some of those benefits including improved nails, hair growth. Why eating seaweed has beauty and health outcomes is puzzling! 

Click here for human health blogs, here for plant health, and here for pet blogs. Nails and skin complexion are important to your mental and physical health.

Seaweed Cake for Guilt Free Treat

Sleep Better with Seaweed

Seaweed Reduces Gout

Seaweed Nasal Spray Reduces Virus Infection

Stop Arthritis with Seaweed FAQ

Natural Medicine for Joint Pain

Graves Disease and Seaweed

Seafood allergies and Seaweed

Seaweed is Full of Vitamins

Trace Elements in Seaweed

Seaweed – for beauty and health