Beauty and Health
Seaweed: Not just good food but good food for health
Eating Pacific Seamoss on a regular basis has shown some remarkable unexpected beauty and health benefits. Here are just some of those benefits including improved nails, hair growth. Why eating seaweed has beauty and health outcomes is puzzling!
Click here for human health blogs, here for plant health, and here for pet blogs. Nails and skin complexion are important to your mental and physical health.
Guilt free cake! Seaweed is eaten in soups, salads and extracts are used in a wide variety of food. This recipe from a pioneer in seaweed is a carrot cake with seaweed as base. Very tasty, good healthy cake and the seaweed probably mitigates the sugar in the recipe!
I sleep better with seaweed is a common theme in testimonials and it got us thinking that this is not placebo. We know eating seaweed improves microbiome, and reduces pain for dysmenorrhea and for joints. Read more
A recent study shows that men who ate more seaweed had lower levels of serum uric acid, the major chemical that predicts the severity of gout. Gout is a painful arthritic symptoms and often associated with higher BMI smoking and alcohol consumption
Seaweed has shown efficacy against cold and rhino nasal viruses. Seaweed in a nasal spray form has been registered in multi countries to reduce the effect of colds and rhinoviruses. By protecting the nasal surfaces, it stops the incidence of colds and rhino viruses. Work on coronaviruses show that it is also effective to reduce infection levels.
Does Seaweed Reduce arthritis? Extracts from seaweed have been studied since early 2000’s and by mid 2015 showed no better reduction than placebo. However, customers say Pacific Seamoss whole seaweed provides excellent reduction in symptoms and even stop taking normal drugs. Here are some FAQ to consider.
Natural remedies have been demonstrated to reduce joint pain from rheumatoid arthritis or osteo-arthritis. They are widely available. Some have better evidence of effectiveness than others. Pacific Seamoss seaweed is a natural medicine providing excellent joint pain reduction and improvement in mobility.
One of the complications from the hyperthyroid disease called Graves’ disease is that a typical symptom is painful periods or dysmenorrhea. Seaweed may reduce painful periods, but the iodine in seaweed presents a problem. Seaweed may reduce overall impact of the autoimmune disease, but may introduce too much iodine.
Seaweed seafood allergies are a concern, and we advise customers who have confirmed allergies to seafood not to eat seaweed, Pacific SeaMoss or from any source. The reason is that the ocean is full of life, and in the harvest and processing we cannot ensure there is no “hitchhikers” who turn out to make you sick. Explore the community of sea life.
Seaweed has a a range of vitamins, but the different amounts have not been studied much over the past. Brown seaweeds have a different vitamin range than red seaweeds. Kappaphycus alvarezii is high in vitamin A and some of the B vitamins but low in Vitamin D, E and K.
Nutrient analysis of seaweed – Pacific Seamoss demonstrates that seaweed is packed full of goodness. Trace elements including iodine, selenium, zinc and iron and surprisingly elements such as sulfur. Investigate why seaweed is so full of nutrients.
Seaweed – for beauty and health