Nothing says I love you more than seaweed

Share the love and give seaweed on Valentines day or any day when you think of your loved one.

The fairy tale has come true. You have found that special someone who will be beside you for the rest of your life. You are living the happily ever after.
Building a life together, raising a family, weathering life’s storms all make the bonds of love grow deeper and stronger. But as we age, we see other couples who have lost partners early because of cancer or heart disease. And we realize the fragility of life and the importance of your own relationship and the health of your partner.

Valentines Day Gift

This Valentine’s Day give your loved one the gift of health and longevity with seaweed.
Japan, particularly the island of Okinawa, is known for its high numbers of people living healthily well into their 90s and beyond. A daily intake of seaweed is one of the main reasons why health outcomes are so good in the Okinawan population. Sadly, studies have shown that switching the traditional seaweed-based diet to the typical western diet reverses all the positive effects and disease revert to the same as those in western countries.

Nothing says I love you more with Seaweed. Why?

Seaweed has a strong impact on health.

1. Seaweed is a potent prebiotic

Seaweed feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut. Healthy gut bacteria produce bioactive metabolites that cross into the blood stream for delivery to all the cells in the body. These metabolites have wide ranging effects including reducing inflammation, improving liver and heart function, and improving immunity. If you give seaweed, improving gut health. Nothing says I love you more than seaweed!

2. Seaweed Novel Compounts

Seaweed is full of novel compounds not found in terrestrial plants. These compounds, such as sulphated galactans, have powerful effects on cellular processes. These drive the immune and healing mechanisms in the body to produce anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties.

3. Seaweed high in potassium

Potassium is essential for a healthy heart. It also relaxes the muscles built into arterial wall, reducing blood pressure. This makes the heart less burdened, but it also protects the very small blood vessels in the brain, important for dementia prevention.

Seaweed is the gift for a lifetime.

Seaweed – the smart organic medicinal food for boosting your immunity

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