Natural Organic Seaweed
Reduces Joint Pain

Trial BioSea Health Seaweed for 60 days.

Do You Suffer From Joint Pain?

Just “ordinary” pain from no other cause except you are getting on in years? A niggle, or something more. Do you have a dull ache but got used to it as just part of getting older? Is it stopping you do that exercise. Walking freely? Gardening? Travelling?

Do you have that niggle or worse – that feeling that you are not as flexible. Where you move and it seems like joints have seized up. Where you want to go and play with your kids or grandkids or do some gardening but you know that you will get those aches in your back and legs, tiredness. Or even worse, a dreadful, dull unrelenting pain?

If yes, then you are not alone – 23% of older people had doctor diagnosed arthritis and it is the leading cause of disability in developed countries. Those who suffer without diagnosis may be double that. Arthritis is worse if you are overweight. And as we all know – most over the counter medications or other “natural” supplements do very little to stop the pain.

How Prof Brown Found An Answer to Joint Pain

Professor Lindsay Brown, who  recently retired from the University of Southern Queensland, studied obesity-related diseases for over 15 years and published over 170 peer reviewed papers. Mostly he focused on hypertension and other related lifestyle diseases. We challenged him a year ago to start eating seaweed.

Seaweed in his rats had reduced blood pressure, reduced weight and lost their fatty livers and diabetes type 2. But as a researcher he had never really eaten his own medicine, and not seaweed daily. Three weeks after consuming 3 grams per day he said.

“Its a funny thing. I have had a back niggle for over 15 years. It’s gone. I cannot fully explain why. If I gardened for a couple of hours, I would be prone on the couch to recover. Now I feel perfectly fine.

Like Professor Brown, try for yourself. We now know seaweed reduces joint pain. What do you have to lose?

Pacific Seamoss seaweed reduces knee pain

Customer Feedback is Consistent

“I did not notice my knee pain anymore” says Bill Hatton from NSW, Australia, who has been working with other functional foods for the past decade. But 3 weeks on seaweed he realised that his knee pain of some 4 years had disappeared. Not overnight. 

My knee pain has reduced – is it placebo?”  said Gray Goodwin about 3 weeks after we started producing Pacific Seamoss? We had not seen this in the literature, so we started noticing.

I had pain in my thumb joints in both hands at a level that I found it hard to twist lids off jars or even use a screwdriver. About 3 to 4 months later I realized that the pain had nearly gone and it has stayed that way for the last 18 months.”  Ness Stephens, NZ

Gray Goodwin - Cofounder Knee Pain Gone

What are Functional Foods

Functional foods are just foods that have a medicinal effect when we eat them every day. We know that we pretty much are what we eat …. A diet of junk food gives us a junky body. But we don’t usually understand that what we eat can be the same as taking a medicine.

Foods can lower our blood pressure, clean out our liver, form new networks in our brain…. If we know which foods to eat and how much we should be eating.

At BioSea Health we are studying a functional food we all know about but mostly don’t eat – seaweed.  Professor Brown has studied over 45 functional foods over the past 15 years and published over 174 peer reviewed papers. So he is not surprised at the effects. Except for his own!

Prof Brown Explains Functional Foods

Tell me How Seaweed Can Give Me My Life Back

Seaweed is not new, in fact we probably evolved as humans because we ate seaweed. It contains all the essential nutrients needed for brain and body development and to keep our body functioning properly and in complete health. You know about nutrients like fish oil, antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Well here is a well kept secret – fish don’t make these nutrients in their body any more than we do. They have to get those nutrients from eating seaweed, and lots of it. At BioSea Health we are looking at ways to cut out the middle man…. middle fish, and get the nutrients straight to you to stop joint pain.

Why not stop those expensive supplements, and get the real oil!  Natural organic seaweed to reduce joint pain. Sounds too easy right?

Is Seaweed Good For Me

Seaweeds are a ‘nutrition powerhouse’ and contain unique disease fighting compounds. Many seaweeds contain anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents. Their medicinal effects have been known for thousands of years; the ancient Romans used them to treat wounds, burn, and rashes. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that the ancient Egyptians may have used them as a treatment for breast cancer.

They are fantastic for balancing hormones and helping you look and feel better.  High in essential fatty acids, antioxidants and unique phytosterols, seaweed is a better nutrient source than those expensive multi-vitamins you take. Seaweed is also a natural prebiotic that is high in both soluble and insoluble fibre. Our healthy gut bacteria are happy and blooming, making us feel healthy and energetic. (Check out what our older customers say) And that extra bulk makes bowels happy too. So all the nutrients, anti-oxidants, fish oils and fibre in the one place ….mmm…. Sounds easy to take, and less expensive.  So we take fresh seaweed but make it a capsule

Need more convincing? Here’s a word from our founder, Dr Hugh Butler…  who was told seaweed could not help arthritis, but then his cofounder, and then some of his customers starting telling him their joint pain had reduced or gone!

Pacific Seamoss seaweed reduces joint pain simply

How I Found The Answer To Reducing Joint Pain

In 2019 I attend a seaweed conference SeaAgriculture in Belgium. There I met Dr Monique Mulder .  She’s studying demenentia and published papers in Nature using seaweed in mice. In 2019, at the International Seaweed Symposium in South Korea, I met Prof Jane Teas who for 30 years studied the link between seaweed consumption and why Japanese had one tenth of the breast cancer rates of those in the western world. She gave her patients dry seaweed in a capsule and followed their progress in a clinical trial. Seaweed was restoring the health of the people in her trial.  

At the time I and my co-founder Gray had an organic seaweed farm in the Philippines and we were producing animal and plant health products. In fact, when used correctly, the vitamins and minerals in seaweed provide dramatic improvements in the health of all life on earth.

Professor Lindsay Brown from the University of Southern Queensland over the past 15 years extensively studied the role of “functional food” with animals for obesity related diseases such as hypertension and hyperglycemia. Along with Prof Nicholas Paul from the University of the Sunshine Coast they published 2 studies on seaweed over the past 3 years.

Was this research in animals work in humans for for dementia and lifestyle diseases? No one had ever tried.  Filipinos have eaten Pacific Seamoss for centuries. So we worked with a local nutraceutical manufacturer in the Philippines to offer our organic seaweed as capsules.

When we first started offering the capsules locally we offered them to older people with lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure or elevated glucose. And we started to get our customers calling about pain reduction, and improved memory. 

We discovered by accident that period pain was reduced. We now sell a product for a reduction in menstruation burden. We did not forget about joint pain reduction. People kept buying and testimonials keep on rolling in.

It Worked For These Customers And It Will Work For You

I am a vet, and this should not be happening, but my aches and pains have gone. Alan – Veterinarian Surgeon, Gold Coast Australia

A remarkable change. I used to tell my hubby to garden, now I can bend down and garden without pain. – Joanna from NSW 

Clean Green And Sustainable

We understand you don’t want to put anything in your body from sources you don’t know. So we have implemented leading edge technology that tracks the seaweed from “gate” to “plate”. It is grown and certified Organic. We test the water and the product heavy metals, biological contaminants. We are implementing HACCP and ISO22000 certified processes. We manage it every step of the way to you. I eat it. It is just food and you can’t overdose on healthy food.  We have established a foundation Seaweed for Humanity, Inc and that is set up to help local women seaweed farmers.

A Lawn Bowler Says Get Back Your Life

Wayne is a local printer on the Sunshine Coast at 4CP. He has been taking tumeric and other supplements and they have been helping him. He is a local champion lawn bowler, and bowlers do a lot of bending down.

Here’s Significant Lifestyle Health Improvements Reported

After taking seaweed, 60% of our customers in a consumer said their joint pain decreased.

60% says their nails and hair grew stronger

70% said their bowel motions were improved.

What Dominic Told Us

Dominic has had a life in sports including the Penzance Pirates rugby in UK and Brisbane Lions in Australia, and loves surfing with his kids, but he was told to get the meniscus shaved on his knee. He had stopped running and surfing. After a month he was back running and surfing. His surgeon still does not believe him. And others. 

How Do I Sign Up For The 60 Day Trial

I am offering 8 weeks supply of BioSea Health’s Pacific Moss TM. This is half price.  Two months for the price of one. Free postage. If you find seaweed does not provide any benefits to you, I will refund the purchase.

Why am I doing this?

The answer is simple. I need your help.

I am so confident in the effectiveness of seaweed to reduce joint pain that we want to apply for Australia, US and European regulators so we can actually tell people how good this is. Not just say it helps “wellbeing”. And to get researchers focused.

Did you know it costs over $600,000 for the little guys to get Food and Drug compliance .. what we have to do before we can make clear claims…even though the science is already there. The system is geared towards large companies with chemicals rather than foods. The system wants to block food for medicine. How dumb is that. They are quite happy to have big pharma to sell you a single molecule with side effects, (do not take too much ibuprofen) and take your money every month, but they put in legislative barriers just to eat food. They say it is to protect you… make the choice.

When you sign up you’ll we will give you the opportunity to test for yourself. Don’t take our word for it. Order it. Almost everyone says that it takes 4 to 6 weeks.   You can purchase online or simply call us the old fashioned way.

I was a flooring and parquet business owner. My knees are stuffed. I realised about 2 months after taking seaweed, I could stand up without pain and holding onto support. Chris Sly, Mudjimba, Australia

I was a nurse for 40 years. Working on my feet all those years means aches and pains. After 2 months of seaweed, those niggles are gone.  Jill Boulton, Melbourne, Australia

I’ve been a builder for 30 years. Who does not have a dodgy shoulder, lower back pain. Probably reduced 80%. Put me on a subscription please. Tim Butler – Melbourne, Australia

Is there A Catch?

We do want something from you. Feedback. We have lots of good data from our existing customers but we need this to be 500 people, not just 50.  And this feedback helps us with our next major trial. 

There is no subscription we trap you with. 

Be prepared for needing extra hair cuts. That’s what 60% of our trial participants tell us. We will enclose a nail emery board because 80% tell us their nails are stronger!

Become part of the BioSea Health program to bring this all older people who suffer from joint pain. 

And did we tell you our production systems help support farmers in developing areas, bring much needed finance to families, and especially the women who do much of the work.

Warning - The Clock is Ticking

This opportunity is extremely limited because of the product we are giving away.

Therefore it’s not possible for me to fund with more than 500 people for this trial.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.

If you feel like this is right for you, click below and get your product on its way, and start planning what you do without pain in your life. And extra sleep.

Talk soon,


Dr Hugh Butler

When you take up the offer it is for buy one, get one free of capsules. If you are vegan then contact us and we can exchange for powder. (But you will need to like the taste!)

No. This is a single payment (or 4 if you use Afterpay). There is no sneaky processes. You decide if it works for you.

We only have the next 500 with this offer. We need your feedback. 

If you try these and they do not provide improvement, contact us by Phone / chat / email and we will refund without option

The cost for 2 months total is £24 $AU39 and $US30. That is a cup or two of coffee per week. A dollar a day.  What’s the reduction in pain worth? And you can probably toss most of those expensive and dubious value multivitamin pills out. Nothing to loose.