Drug-Free Period Pain Relief Trial

drug-free period pain relief with seaweed

Take our 2 month Trial

A Natural Solution to Period Pain

We get it.

The cramps, nausea, aches in your back and legs, fatigue, and of course pain. 

We want women across the world to know they have a safe, affordable solution to period pain. One that doesn’t interfere with your health or fertility.

One that doesn’t interfere with your health or fertility.

Because we don’t think just ‘managing’ your menstrual symptoms is good enough.

Our Pacific Seamoss is 100% Organic Seaweed with no added nasties. 

At BioSea Health, we are leading the way with research on the role of functional foods in managing period pain.

It’s ok if you’re not sure if this is the right fit for your body, so we are offering a risk-free trial.

If you have no results we will refund you 100% of your purchase. No questions asked.

$AU35 / UK £22 for 2 month trial

No improvement? Full refund.

Food for thought

Our Pacific Seamoss is 100% Organic Seaweed. Seaweed is what we call a Functional Food.

Functional foods are foods that:

  • Have a medicinal effect when we eat them every day.
  • Lower our blood pressure.
  • The most powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Restore our liver function
  • Form new networks in our brain.

How it Works?

Seaweeds are a ‘nutrition powerhouse’ because they contain unique essential nutrients, and are a staple in many cultures.

In fact, many seaweeds contain anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents. Their medicinal effects have been known for thousands of years; the ancient Romans used them to treat wounds, burn, and rashes.

Pacific Seamoss seaweed reduces joint pain simply

At BioSea Health, we are leading the way of research on functional foods for women’s health.

Our research has found seaweed to be effective in minimising the severity of premenstrual symptoms – including more severe symptoms caused by endometriosis, PCOS or fibroids.

Our clinical trials have found:

  • Period pain is reduced by 70%
  • PMS symptoms reduced
  • Bleeding duration and flow is reduced.
  • Hair and nails grow stronger
  • Moods are improved


cure for period - is seaweed the answer

How it Works

Seaweed is high in essential vitaminsminerals, fatty acids, antioxidants and unique phytosterols; which are all commonly used for balancing hormones and helping you look and feel better.

Seaweed is also a natural prebiotic that is high in both soluble and insoluble fibre. Our healthy gut bacteria are happy and blooming, making us feel healthy and energetic.

Join our period pain trial

Try For Yourself - Risk Free

If you don’t have any results within 2 months we will provide a full refund

Just Don't take our word

Emma from Newcastle UK says

For years, my periods have been so bad that I have been in immense pain, unable to move, sometimes losing consciousness, throwing up, unable to sleep, even with NSAIDs and a hot water bottle around the clock. Every month I factor in two days of non-work due to my period, and fortunately these two days fall on a weekend so I don’t miss too much work, but it is miserable. My first period after trying the seaweed capsules (every other day – I forgot to take them every day) was practically painless. The pain went from an 8-10 down to a 2-4, sometimes 0, and felt more like having an uncomfortably full bladder, or a dull ache, than the usual excruciating period pain.


Is there A Catch?

We do want something from you. 


We have excellent data from our trials. And we had over 1000 customers who tried it last year. We know we are onto something that will change lives.

Feedback from women from all walks of life helps provide data from our next steps.

So why not sign up to a drug-free period pain relief trial today?

Clean Green and Sustainable

Our products are safe and made from natural seaweed. We don’t want to put anything in our bodies from sources we don’t know.

So why should you?

1)  It is grown and certified Organic:

  • We test the water and the product heavy metals, biological contaminants
  • We are implementing HACCP and ISO22000 certified processes

2)  It is safe:

  • It is just seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii ), and the same that you can buy in most wet markets throughout the Philippines, Indonesia, or Malaysia
  • Even if you wanted to it is very hard to buy good clean seaweed, every day so we made it easy. 
  • The product is just 100% dry seaweed.

3)  We manage our products every step of the way to you:

  • We have implemented leading edge technology that tracks the seaweed from “gate” to “plate”

4) We have established a foundation Seaweed for Humanity Inc:

  • Our production systems help support farming families in developing areas, that bring much needed finance to families
  • We especially support the women who do much of the work.
Seaweed grown sustainably in clean water.

Our Research

We don’t just believe in the healing power of foods. Our team are researchers and scientists, who are leading the field of research into functional food for women’s health.

We have lots of great data from our trial, but we need more. This feedback helps us with our next major trial.

The team at BioSea Health are scientists who conduct clinical trials.

In our first trial, we had over 150 women seaweed capsules take every day. Within four weeks, most women reported their period pain had either disappeared or reduced down to a level where they hardly noticed it.

So in 2020, we did a follow-up consumer trial.

Another 1,000 customers trialled seaweed for 1 month. We confirmed the findings of the first trial, and those that stuck with it had better results for more than 1-month. 

But we suspect that you need to take for 2 months – one month is often not enough if you have been living with period pain for a decade or more. It takes time to adjust. Hence the offer.

Seaweed reduced my pain from 9 down to 2. I noticed pain but it didn’t stop me from doing anything! Normally I spend a whole day in a very hot bath in pain. Michelle Australia


join period pain seaweed trial

A Word from Our Founders

Here’s a word from our founder, Dr Hugh Butler:

“In 2019, I was attending a seaweed conference in South Korea and I met Professor Jane Teas.  She’d studied the link between seaweed consumption and why Japanese had one tenth of the breast cancer rates of those in the western world. She gave her patients dry seaweed in a capsule and followed their progress in a clinical trial. Seaweed was restoring the health of the people in her trial.  

At the time I and my co-founder Gray had an organic seaweed farm in the Philippines and we were producing animal and plant health products. Intrigued, we worked with a local nutraceutical manufacturer in the Philippines to offer our organic seaweed as capsules.

When we first started offering the capsules locally we offered them to older people who had symptoms of metabolic syndrome and lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure or elevated glucose. And we started to get our customers calling about  joint pain relief – and we are selling this globally now. 

And then one day we had feedback from a 26 year old student whose period pains had gone from a pain scale of 11 to a 1. 

So, we decided to extend the trial to women of different ages around the world. 

And we got even better results. We were overwhelmed with the feedback.”


It Worked For All These Women

Here are just 3 out of more than 200 (Click here to open in new tab)

Samadhi from Melbourne, Australia says:

So the seamoss is amazing. Thanks for having me trial it,  it has absolutely diminished my period pain (which has me usually bedridden and vomiting because no pain killers can address my pain issue). I now have a minor cramp; infact twice I thought oh, maybe I’ll be getting my period this week.. followed by omg I have it. Cannot express my amazement enough.

But here’s Esther UK.

No more painful cramps during PMS. The first day of my period still sucks, but the following days are basically painless. Wow. My life back.

Here’s feedback from Anna, London, UK

Thank you for checking in. I’ve given myself three cycles to fully assess (as they differ in pain intensity), ……  and  – on the second cycle I have noticed a significant reduction in pain, second being slightly worse than the first one (a full month after taking sea moss) but still nothing what I had experienced before. I’ve suffered from really painful (however varying) periods for years and the last two months have been DEFINITELY a lot better. The only thing stopping me singing on top of my lungs about sea moss and your product is just giving myself that extra time to properly assess and compare but so far it’s SO promising, the first thing in years that’s giving me hope I can permanently reduce period pain, which means so so so much.

I apologise if this is a bit rambly –  I will definitely be in touch with more detailed review in a month. I’ve ordered two extra sachets so am good for another month and a half and quite frankly can’t see myself discontinuing.

Aside from pain, everything everyone’s said about stronger nails and hair – unbelievable!! the difference is quite staggering and very quickly visible, also, generally feel healthier and stronger, it’s the first January in years I haven’t felt exhausted or affected by SAD, I know it’s quite a general statement but I definitely feel better overall

So a thousand thank you’s for your groundbreaking work!

PS. The data is clear. It works for 70%. We cannot tell if you are one of the rest who cannot eat seaweed.  Seafood allergies, hyperthyroid, can’t swallow tablets of pure seaweed or just simply forget to. That’s why we offer a full money-back guarantee – whether you are a woman in a Cairo sweatshop, or board room in New York, there is no need to needlessly suffer. Try for 2 months. You have nothing to lose. And everything to gain.

Painful periods trial scale
Standard Pain Score

Average pain went from 6 down to 3.  In hospital, you are offered pain medication if you are over 4!.  So before seaweed, 75% had pain more than 5. After 2 months of seaweed 75% had pain less than 5.